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Rewrote Wand of the Forest generic block manipulation logic (#4507)
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(fixes #3223)

- excluded various blocks from wand interactions entirely via
"botania:unwandable" tag
- manipulation logic now ensures that either the new state can "survive"
(according to the block state's own logic) or the block state remains
- added support for RotatedPillarBlock (e.g. logs), which cycles through
the possible axis values
- added support for the 16 rotations of standing/ceiling-hanging sign
blocks, which are cycled through
- manipulating the side of stair, trapdoor, or single slab blocks
toggles their vertical adjustment in the block space
- restricted side property toggling to block states that have all six
boolean direction properties (primarily for toggling the face states of
huge mushroom blocks)
- improved facing property rotation:
- excluded block states that represent half of a bed, double chest, or
extended piston from all rotation attempts
- blocks that can be attached to walls, floors, and ceilings, and also
rotated horizontally are rotated clockwise around the clicked side
- if all six directions are supported, rotate clockwise around the
clicked side
- if rotating around the clicked side isn't possible in either of the
above cases, flip over to the opposite facing
- otherwise, if not all six possible directions are supported, iterate
to the next valid facing direction
- if neither of the above apply, let the block state handle the
rotation, trying clockwise 90 degrees, 180 degrees and counter-clockwise
90 degrees (in that order, whichever is found to be valid first)
  • Loading branch information
TheRealWormbo authored Dec 13, 2023
1 parent 877fc54 commit 3dc86fe
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208 changes: 165 additions & 43 deletions Xplat/src/main/java/vazkii/botania/common/item/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,8 +31,7 @@
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,6 +60,8 @@
import vazkii.botania.xplat.XplatAbstractions;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

import static vazkii.botania.common.lib.ResourceLocationHelper.prefix;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ public InteractionResult useOn(UseOnContext ctx) {

if (player.mayUseItemAt(pos, side, stack)
&& (!(block instanceof CommandBlock) || player.canUseGameMasterBlocks())) {
BlockState newState = manipulateBlockstate(state, side);
BlockState newState = manipulateBlockstate(state, side, blockState -> blockState.canSurvive(world, pos));
if (newState != state) {
world.setBlockAndUpdate(pos, newState);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,57 +222,178 @@ public InteractionResult useOn(UseOnContext ctx) {
return InteractionResult.PASS;

private static BlockState manipulateBlockstate(BlockState old, Direction side) {
if ( {
return old;
private static BlockState manipulateBlockstate(BlockState oldState, Direction side, Predicate<BlockState> canSurvive) {
if ( {
return oldState;

BooleanProperty directionPropertyFromSide = PipeBlock.PROPERTY_BY_DIRECTION.get(side);
if (old.hasProperty(directionPropertyFromSide)) {
boolean oldValue = old.getValue(directionPropertyFromSide);
return old.setValue(directionPropertyFromSide, !oldValue);
if (oldState.getBlock() instanceof RotatedPillarBlock) {
return iterateToNextValidPropertyValue(oldState, BlockStateProperties.AXIS, BlockStateProperties.AXIS.getPossibleValues(), oldState.getValue(BlockStateProperties.AXIS), canSurvive);

if (oldState.hasProperty(BlockStateProperties.ROTATION_16)) {
// standing sign, ceiling-hanging sign or similar block
return iterateToNextValidPropertyValue(oldState, BlockStateProperties.ROTATION_16, BlockStateProperties.ROTATION_16.getPossibleValues(), oldState.getValue(BlockStateProperties.ROTATION_16), canSurvive);

for (Property<?> prop : old.getProperties()) {
if (prop.getName().equals("facing") && prop.getValueClass() == Direction.class) {
Property<Direction> facingProp = (Property<Direction>) prop;
// mostly intended for HugeMushroomBlock, but might be useful for certain modded blocks as well:
BooleanProperty directionPropertyFromSide = PipeBlock.PROPERTY_BY_DIRECTION.get(side);
if (oldState.hasProperty(directionPropertyFromSide) && oldState.getProperties().containsAll(PipeBlock.PROPERTY_BY_DIRECTION.values())) {
boolean oldValue = oldState.getValue(directionPropertyFromSide);
BlockState newState = oldState.setValue(directionPropertyFromSide, !oldValue);
return canSurvive.test(newState) ? newState : oldState;

Direction oldDir = old.getValue(facingProp);
Direction newDir = rotateAround(oldDir, side.getAxis());
if (oldDir != newDir && facingProp.getPossibleValues().contains(newDir)) {
return old.setValue(facingProp, newDir);
if (side.getAxis() != Direction.Axis.Y) {
if (oldState.getBlock() instanceof SlabBlock) {
// toggle between top and bottom slab
switch (oldState.getValue(BlockStateProperties.SLAB_TYPE)) {
case TOP:
return oldState.setValue(BlockStateProperties.SLAB_TYPE, SlabType.BOTTOM);
case BOTTOM:
return oldState.setValue(BlockStateProperties.SLAB_TYPE, SlabType.TOP);
// ignore double slabs
} else if (oldState.hasProperty(BlockStateProperties.HALF)) {
// flip stairs or trapdoors upside down
BlockState newState = oldState.cycle(BlockStateProperties.HALF);
return canSurvive.test(newState) ? newState : oldState;

// blocks with a "facing" property are subject to special rotation rules
Optional<Property<?>> facingPropOptional = oldState.getProperties().stream()
.filter(prop -> prop.getName().equals("facing") && prop.getValueClass() == Direction.class).findFirst();
if (facingPropOptional.isPresent()) {
Property<Direction> facingProp = (Property<Direction>) facingPropOptional.get();
return rotateFacingDirection(oldState, side, canSurvive, facingProp);

// fallback: let the block itself figure it out
for (Rotation rot : new Rotation[] { Rotation.CLOCKWISE_90, Rotation.CLOCKWISE_180, Rotation.COUNTERCLOCKWISE_90 }) {
BlockState newState = oldState.rotate(rot);
if (canSurvive.test(newState)) {
return newState;
return oldState;

private static BlockState rotateFacingDirection(BlockState oldState, Direction side, Predicate<BlockState> canSurvive, Property<Direction> facingProp) {
if (oldState.hasProperty(BlockStateProperties.CHEST_TYPE) && !oldState.getValue(BlockStateProperties.CHEST_TYPE).equals(ChestType.SINGLE)
|| oldState.hasProperty(BlockStateProperties.EXTENDED) && oldState.getValue(BlockStateProperties.EXTENDED).equals(Boolean.TRUE)
|| oldState.hasProperty(BlockStateProperties.BED_PART)) {
// rotating double chests would be nice, but seems beyond the scope of this feature; same goes for beds and extended pistons
return oldState;

Direction oldDir = oldState.getValue(facingProp);
if (oldState.hasProperty(BlockStateProperties.ATTACH_FACE) && oldState.hasProperty(BlockStateProperties.HORIZONTAL_FACING)) {
// FaceAttachedHorizontalDirectionalBlock or equivalent block, rotate around clicked side
if (side.getAxis() == Direction.Axis.Y) {
// clicked vertically attached block from top or bottom, just rotate on that face
return rotateClockwiseAroundSideDirect(oldState, side, canSurvive, facingProp, oldDir);

AttachFace attachFace = oldState.getValue(BlockStateProperties.ATTACH_FACE);
if (attachFace == AttachFace.WALL && oldDir.getAxis() == side.getAxis()) {
// clicked wall-attached block on attachment axis, just flip to other side, if possible
BlockState newState = oldState.setValue(facingProp, oldDir.getOpposite());
return canSurvive.test(newState) ? newState : oldState;

// operate on an implied direction, rotate that, and eventually translate it back at the end
Direction impliedDir = switch (attachFace) {
case FLOOR -> Direction.DOWN;
case CEILING -> Direction.UP;
case WALL -> oldDir;

Function<Direction, BlockState> newStateFunction = dir -> switch (dir) {
case UP -> oldState.setValue(BlockStateProperties.ATTACH_FACE, AttachFace.CEILING);
case DOWN -> oldState.setValue(BlockStateProperties.ATTACH_FACE, AttachFace.FLOOR);
default -> oldState.setValue(BlockStateProperties.ATTACH_FACE, AttachFace.WALL).setValue(facingProp, dir);

return rotateClockwiseAroundSide(side, impliedDir, newStateFunction, canSurvive);

List<Direction> possibleFacingValues = new ArrayList<>(BlockStateProperties.FACING.getPossibleValues());
if (possibleFacingValues.retainAll(facingProp.getPossibleValues())) {
// doesn't support all possible directions
if (possibleFacingValues.isEmpty()) {
// How did we get here?
return oldState;

// iterate over values in the order defined by BlockStateProperties.FACING,
// because it makes more sense than the native order of the Direction enum values
return iterateToNextValidPropertyValue(oldState, facingProp, possibleFacingValues, oldDir, canSurvive);

if (oldDir.getAxis() != side.getAxis()) {
// rotate clockwise around clicked side
return rotateClockwiseAroundSideDirect(oldState, side, canSurvive, facingProp, oldDir);

return old.rotate(Rotation.CLOCKWISE_90);
// facing towards or away from clicked side, flip around
BlockState newState = oldState.setValue(facingProp, oldDir.getOpposite());
return canSurvive.test(newState) ? newState : oldState;

private static Direction rotateAround(Direction old, Direction.Axis axis) {
return switch (axis) {
case X -> switch (old) {
case DOWN -> Direction.SOUTH;
case SOUTH -> Direction.UP;
case UP -> Direction.NORTH;
case NORTH -> Direction.DOWN;
default -> old;
case Y -> switch (old) {
case NORTH -> Direction.EAST;
case EAST -> Direction.SOUTH;
case SOUTH -> Direction.WEST;
case WEST -> Direction.NORTH;
default -> old;
case Z -> switch (old) {
case DOWN -> Direction.WEST;
case WEST -> Direction.UP;
case UP -> Direction.EAST;
case EAST -> Direction.DOWN;
default -> old;
private static BlockState rotateClockwiseAroundSideDirect(BlockState oldState, Direction side, Predicate<BlockState> canSurvive, Property<Direction> facingProp, Direction oldDir) {
return rotateClockwiseAroundSide(side, oldDir, dir -> oldState.setValue(facingProp, dir), canSurvive);

private static BlockState rotateClockwiseAroundSide(Direction side, Direction oldDir, Function<Direction, BlockState> newStateFunction, Predicate<BlockState> canSurvive) {
BlockState newState;
Direction newDir = oldDir;
do {
newDir = getClockwiseDirectionForSide(side, newDir);
newState = newStateFunction.apply(newDir);
} while (newDir != oldDir && !canSurvive.test(newState));

return newState;

private static Direction getClockwiseDirectionForSide(Direction side, Direction oldDir) {
return side.getAxisDirection() == Direction.AxisDirection.NEGATIVE
? oldDir.getCounterClockWise(side.getAxis())
: oldDir.getClockWise(side.getAxis());

private static <T extends Comparable<T>> BlockState iterateToNextValidPropertyValue(BlockState oldState, Property<T> property, Collection<T> orderedValues, T oldValue, Predicate<BlockState> canSurvive) {
Iterator<T> it = orderedValues.iterator();
while (it.hasNext() && ! {
// look for current value
// now find next value that results in a valid block state in the given context
while (it.hasNext()) {
BlockState newState = oldState.setValue(property,;
if (canSurvive.test(newState)) {
return newState;
// failed to find valid state after the current state, look before
it = orderedValues.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
T newValue =;
if (newValue.equals(oldValue)) {
// no valid values
return oldState;
BlockState newState = oldState.setValue(property, newValue);
if (canSurvive.test(newState)) {
return newState;
// nothing worked, leave it as is
return oldState;

public static void doParticleBeamWithOffset(Level world, BlockPos orig, BlockPos end) {
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -205,7 +205,9 @@ protected void addTags(HolderLookup.Provider provider) {


.add(Blocks.CHORUS_PLANT, Blocks.SCULK_VEIN, Blocks.VINE, Blocks.REDSTONE_WIRE, Blocks.NETHER_PORTAL, BotaniaBlocks.solidVines);

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