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Recently, I am trying to write some computational geometry-related functionalities. Since data structures like heaps, stacks, queues, trees, etc., are frequently used in computational geometry, these structures cannot be directly expressed as vector operations in NumPy. Also, Numba currently does not provide many advanced data structures. Therefore, I would like to develop a set of containers based on Numba to support computational geometry algorithms. structron comes from "Numba's STL container."

Container Objects

Regarding containers: Numba provides TypedList, which is primarily designed for general-purpose workflows and offers methods such as insert, pop, append, and more. However, when it comes to solving specific problems, there may not be efficient specialized data structures available (this is a conjecture and has not been tested). Therefore, it is suggested to implement various specialized containers for addressing specific problem domains.


  1. Seamless Integration with NumPy:
    All containers are implemented based on ndarray, ensuring seamless integration with various data processing scenarios. This makes them ideal for numerical computing and data analysis tasks.

  2. Efficient Linear Table Implementation:
    Linear tables (e.g., TypedMemory) use an array-based next column to replace traditional pointers. This ensures data is always stored in order, and released slots are efficiently reused in a circular manner.

  3. Pure Array-Based Red-Black Tree:
    The Red-Black Tree is implemented purely using arrays, with left and right columns recording the indices of corresponding nodes in the array. This design eliminates the need for dynamic memory allocation and pointer management, improving performance and memory efficiency.

  4. Outstanding Performance:
    Extensive testing shows that the performance of Hash and RedBlackTree is comparable to C++'s STL. This makes the containers suitable for high-performance computing and real-time applications.

Why Choose These Containers?

  • Memory Efficiency: Leveraging ndarray and array-based designs minimizes memory overhead.
  • High Performance: Optimized implementations ensure competitive performance with low-level languages.
  • Flexibility: Supports both standalone and shared memory modes, catering to diverse use cases.
  • Ease of Use: Designed to work seamlessly with Python's scientific computing ecosystem.

TypedMemory Container

TypedMemory is a high-performance memory management container for custom data types, built with numba. It dynamically manages memory allocation and deallocation, maintaining a free list for efficient reuse of released slots and automatically expanding capacity when necessary.

Example Code

import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import structron

# Custom point structure
t_point = np.dtype([('x', np.float32), ('y', np.float32)])

# Define a TypedMemory class for the custom dtype
PointMemory = structron.TypedMemory(t_point)

# Instantiate a memory pool with a capacity of 10
points = PointMemory(10)

# Allocate memory and store a value
i = points.push((1, 1))  # Returns the index of the allocated slot

# Access the value at index `i`
points[i]  # Returns (x=1.0, y=1.0)

# Deallocate the memory at index `i`
points.pop(i)  # Frees the slot for reuse

# Get container size
points.size  # Current number of allocated elements
len(points)  # Total capacity of the memory pool


  • TypedMemory(dtype): Defines a memory pool class for the specified dtype.
  • push(value): Allocates a slot and stores value. Returns the index.
  • pop(index): Deallocates the slot at index and adds it to the free list.
  • __getitem__(index): Retrieves the value at index.
  • size: Returns the current number of allocated slots.

TypedDeque Container

TypedDeque is a double-ended queue (deque) implementation for custom data types, optimized with numba. It allows efficient insertion and removal of elements at both ends.

Example Code

import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import structron

# Custom point structure
t_point = np.dtype([('x', np.float32), ('y', np.float32)])

# Define a TypedDeque class for the custom dtype
PointDeque = structron.TypedDeque(t_point)

# Instantiate a deque with a capacity of 10
points = PointDeque(10)

# Push elements
points.push_front((1, 1))  # Push to the front
points.push_back((2, 2))   # Push to the back

# Access elements
points.first()  # Get the first element
points.last()   # Get the last element

# Pop elements
points.pop_front()  # Remove the first element
points.pop_back()   # Remove the last element

# Get container size
points.size  # Current number of elements
len(points)  # Total capacity of the deque


  • TypedDeque(dtype): Defines a deque class for the specified dtype.
  • push_front(value): Adds value to the front of the deque.
  • push_back(value): Adds value to the back of the deque.
  • first(): Returns the first element in the deque.
  • last(): Returns the last element in the deque.
  • pop_front(): Removes and returns the first element.
  • pop_back(): Removes and returns the last element.
  • size: Returns the current number of elements in the deque.

TypedStack Container

TypedStack is a stack implementation for custom data types, optimized with numba. It follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle.

Example Code

import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import structron

# Custom point structure
t_point = np.dtype([('x', np.float32), ('y', np.float32)])

# Define a TypedStack class for the custom dtype
PointStack = structron.TypedStack(t_point)

# Instantiate a stack with a capacity of 10
points = PointStack(10)

# Push elements
points.push((1, 1))  # Push to the stack
points.push((2, 2))  # Push another element

# Access the top element  # Returns (x=2.0, y=2.0)

# Pop the top element
points.pop()  # Removes and returns (x=2.0, y=2.0)

# Get container size
points.size  # Current number of elements in the stack
len(points)  # Same as `size`, not the total capacity


  • TypedStack(dtype): Defines a stack class for the specified dtype.
  • push(value): Adds value to the top of the stack.
  • top(): Returns the top element without removing it.
  • pop(): Removes and returns the top element.
  • size: Returns the current number of elements in the stack.

TypedQueue Container

TypedQueue is a queue implementation for custom data types, optimized with numba. It follows the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle.

Example Code

import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import structron

# Custom point structure
t_point = np.dtype([('x', np.float32), ('y', np.float32)])

# Define a TypedQueue class for the custom dtype
PointQueue = structron.TypedQueue(t_point)

# Instantiate a queue with a capacity of 10
points = PointQueue(10)

# Push elements
points.push((1, 1))  # Add to the queue
points.push((2, 2))  # Add another element

# Access the front element  # Returns (x=1.0, y=1.0)

# Pop the front element
points.pop()  # Removes and returns (x=1.0, y=1.0)

# Get container size
points.size  # Current number of elements in the queue


  • TypedQueue(dtype): Defines a queue class for the specified dtype.
  • push(value): Adds value to the back of the queue.
  • top(): Returns the front element without removing it.
  • pop(): Removes and returns the front element.
  • size: Returns the current number of elements in the queue.

TypedHeap Container

TypedHeap is a heap (priority queue) implementation for custom data types, optimized with numba. It maintains elements in a way that allows efficient access to the smallest (or largest) element.

Example Code

import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import structron

# Define a TypedHeap class for int32
IntHeap = structron.TypedHeap(np.int32)

# Instantiate a heap with a capacity of 10
heap = IntHeap(10)

# Push elements
heap.push(1)  # Add to the heap
heap.push(2)  # Add another element

# Access the top element  # Returns the smallest element (1)

# Pop the top element
heap.pop()  # Removes and returns the smallest element (1)

# Get container size
heap.size  # Current number of elements in the heap
len(heap)  # Same as `size`


  • TypedHeap(dtype): Defines a heap class for the specified dtype.
  • push(value): Adds value to the heap.
  • top(): Returns the smallest element without removing it.
  • pop(): Removes and returns the smallest element.
  • size: Returns the current number of elements in the heap.

TypedHash Container

TypedHash is a hash-based container for custom data types, optimized with numba. It provides efficient insertion, deletion, and lookup operations.

Example Code

import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import structron

# Define a TypedHash class for int32
IntHash = structron.TypedHash(np.int32)

# Instantiate a hash container with a capacity of 10
hashset = IntHash(10)

# Insert an element
hashset.push(4)  # Add to the hash container

# Check if an element exists
hashset.has(4)  # Returns True if the element is present

# Remove an element
hashset.pop(4)  # Removes the element from the container

# Get container size
hashset.size  # Current number of elements in the container
len(hashset)  # Same as `size`


  • TypedHash(dtype): Defines a hash container class for the specified dtype.
  • push(value): Adds value to the hash container.
  • has(value): Checks if value exists in the container.
  • pop(value): Removes value from the container.
  • size: Returns the current number of elements in the container.

TypedRedBlackTree Container

TypedRedBlackTree is a Red-Black Tree implementation for custom data types, optimized with numba. It provides efficient insertion, deletion, lookup, and neighbor access operations.

Example Code

import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import structron

# Define a TypedRedBlackTree class for int32
IntTree = structron.TypedRBTree(np.int32)

# Instantiate a tree with a capacity of 10
treeset = IntTree(10)

# Insert an element
treeset.push(1)  # Add to the tree

# Check if an element exists
treeset.has(1)  # Returns True if the element is present

# Remove an element
treeset.pop(1)  # Removes the element from the tree

# Access neighbors
treeset.left(1)  # Returns the left neighbor of the key
treeset.right(1) # Returns the right neighbor of the key

# Get container size
treeset.size  # Current number of elements in the tree
len(treeset)  # Same as `size`


  • TypedRBTree(dtype): Defines a Red-Black Tree class for the specified dtype.
  • push(value): Adds value to the tree.
  • has(value): Checks if value exists in the tree.
  • pop(value): Removes value from the tree.
  • left(value): Returns the left neighbor of value (smaller than value).
  • right(value): Returns the right neighbor of value (larger than value).
  • size: Returns the current number of elements in the tree.

TypedAVLTree Container

TypedAVLTree is an AVL Tree implementation for custom data types, optimized with numba. Its interface is identical to TypedRedBlackTree.

Example Code

import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import structron

# Define a TypedAVLTree class for int32
IntTree = structron.TypedAVLTree(np.int32)

# Same as TypedRBTree


The interface is identical to TypedRedBlackTree. Refer to the TypedRedBlackTree documentation for details.

Map Mode: <Heap, Hash, RedBlackTree, AVLTree>

The map mode allows using Heap, Hash, RedBlackTree, and AVLTree as key-value containers. The TypedXXX function accepts two parameters: the key type and the value type. The interface extends the non-map mode by requiring a key and value for push, and supports accessing values using the key as a subscript.

Example Code (Using RedBlackTree)

import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import structron

# Custom point structure
t_point = np.dtype([('x', np.float32), ('y', np.float32)])

# Define a TypedRBTree class for int32 keys and point values
IntPointTree = structron.TypedRBTree(np.int32, t_point)

# Instantiate a tree with a capacity of 10
treemap = IntPointTree(10)

# Insert a key-value pair
treemap.push(1, (1, 1))  # Push key=1, value=(1, 1)

# Access the value by key
treemap[1]  # Returns the value (x=1.0, y=1.0)

# Other methods are the same as the non-map mode
# e.g., treemap.has(1), treemap.pop(1), treemap.left(1), treemap.right(1)

Supported Containers

The map mode is supported for the following containers:

  • Heap: TypedHeap(key_dtype, value_dtype)
  • Hash: TypedHash(key_dtype, value_dtype)
  • RedBlackTree: TypedRBTree(key_dtype, value_dtype)
  • AVLTree: TypedAVLTree(key_dtype, value_dtype)

Key Differences from Non-Map Mode

  1. The TypedXXX function accepts two parameters: key_dtype and value_dtype.
  2. The push method requires both a key and a value: push(key, value).
  3. Values can be accessed using the key as a subscript: container[key].
  4. Other methods (e.g., has, pop, left, right) remain the same as in the non-map mode.

Ref Mode: <All>

Ref Mode allows containers to store references to data in a shared TypedMemory instance. This is useful when working with large or complex data types, or when multiple containers need to share the same memory pool. In this mode, the container only stores integer references, while the actual data resides in the TypedMemory.

Example Code (Using RedBlackTree)

import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import structron

# Custom point structure
t_point = np.dtype([('x', np.float32), ('y', np.float32)])

# Create a TypedMemory instance
PointMemory = structron.TypedMemory(t_point)
points = PointMemory(10)

# Define a TypedRBTree class for int32 keys and PointMemory references
IntPointTree = structron.TypedRBTree(np.int32, PointMemory)

# Instantiate the tree with the shared memory instance
treeset = IntPointTree(10, memory=points)

# Insert a key-value pair
treeset.push(1, (1, 1))  # Push key=1, value=(1, 1) into the shared memory

# Check if a key exists
treeset.has(1)  # Returns True if the key is present

# Remove a key-value pair
treeset.pop(1)  # Removes the key and its associated value from the shared memory

# Access neighbors
treeset.left(1)  # Returns the left neighbor of the key
treeset.right(1) # Returns the right neighbor of the key

# Get container size
treeset.size  # Current number of elements in the tree
len(treeset)  # Same as `size`

Key Features of Ref Mode

  1. Shared Memory: Multiple containers can share the same TypedMemory instance.
  2. Efficient Storage: Containers only store integer references, reducing memory overhead.
  3. Complex Data Types: Ideal for large or complex data structures where direct storage is inefficient.
  4. Multi-Container Collaboration: Enables multiple containers to work on the same data pool.

Usage Notes

  • Replace the dtype parameter in TypedXXX with a TypedMemory instance.
  • Pass the TypedMemory instance to the container during initialization using the memory parameter.
  • The push method stores the value in the shared TypedMemory and associates it with the key.
  • The pop method removes the key and its associated value from the shared memory.
  • Other methods (e.g., has, left, right) work as in the non-ref mode.

Supported Containers

Ref Mode is supported for all containers:

  • Heap: TypedHeap(key_dtype, TypedMemory)
  • Hash: TypedHash(key_dtype, TypedMemory)
  • RedBlackTree: TypedRBTree(key_dtype, TypedMemory)
  • AVLTree: TypedAVLTree(key_dtype, TypedMemory)

More Container

More containers will be implemented successively. Welcome to provide suggestions or participate in project development.


The original intention of developing structron was to create a framework that facilitates the implementation of computational geometry algorithms. Here, we will demonstrate the usage of structron using a simple yet classic example, and perform a performance test.

Convex Hull

Algorithm Implementation:

  1. Sort the points by their X-coordinate.
  2. Build the upper half: Start from the leftmost point and push it onto the stack. For each new point, check the last two points on the stack. If they form a right turn with the new point, push the new point onto the stack. Otherwise, pop the top element from the stack until a right turn is obtained.
  3. Build the lower half: Start from the rightmost point and push it onto the stack. For each new point, check the last two points on the stack. If they form a right turn with the new point, push the new point onto the stack. Otherwise, pop the top element from the stack until a right turn is obtained.
  4. Combine the upper and lower halves to obtain the convex hull.
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import structron

# build Point dtype and PointStack
t_point = np.dtype([('x', np.float32), ('y', np.float32)])
PointStack = structron.TypedStack(t_point)

# push to stack one by one, if not turn right, pop
def convex_line(pts, idx):
    hull = PointStack(128)
    for i in idx:
        p2 = pts[i]
        while hull.size>1:
            p1 =
            p0 =
            s = p0.x*p1.y - p0.y*p1.x
            s += p1.x*p2.y - p1.y*p2.x
            s += p2.x*p0.y - p2.y*p0.x
            if s<-1e-6: break
        hull.push((p2.x, p2.y))
    return hull.body[:hull.size]

# get up line and down line, then concat the hull
def convexhull(pts):
    idx = np.argsort(pts['x'])
    up = convex_line(pts, idx)
    down = convex_line(pts, idx[::-1])
    return np.concatenate((up, down[1:]))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from time import time
    # use randn to make 102400 random points
    pts = np.random.randn(102400, 2).astype(np.float32)
    pts = pts.ravel().view(t_point)

    hull = convexhull(pts)
    start = time()
    hull = convexhull(pts)
    print('convex hull of 102400 point cost:', time()-start)


Then, we perform performance comparison using Shapely for convex hull computation on datasets of the same.

from shapely import geometry as geom

pts = np.random.randn(102400, 2).astype(np.float32)
mpoints = geom.MultiPoint(pts)
start = time()
cvxh = mpoints.convex_hull
print('the same points by shapely cost:', time()-start)

we got the result below:

convex hull of 102400 point cost: 0.01891
the same points by shapely cost: 0.04986

convex hull of 1024000 point cost: 0.23035
the same points by shapely cost: 1.08539

With the increase in data volume, it has become evident that the performance of shapely is slower. Please note that this comparison is solely focused on the generation of convex hulls, excluding the time spent on data construction. In fact, the I/O overhead from numpy to shapely for large data sets is also significant. Therefore, I believe it is meaningful to build efficient 2D and 3D geometry algorithms using Python and leveraging numba.


This project involves extensive and in-depth knowledge of numba and requires expertise in computational geometry. We welcome interested individuals to join us in the development process.


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