🐛 fix
- @visactor/vtable: when body cell is blank string,compute row height error #1752
- @visactor/vtable: fix custom merge cell display problem when select header
What's Changed
- Main by @fangsmile in #1727
- fix: change default contributing file path from zh to en by @xuanhun in #1731
- [Auto changelog] changlog of v0.25.6 by @github-actions in #1725
- Feat: add disableColumnResize for rowSeriesNumber by @YELineee in #1743
- test: add bgImage demo by @fangsmile in #1724
- docs: add contribution guide by @fangsmile in #1738
- 1369 feature scrollbar cornerradius by @fangsmile in #1742
- 1649 feature rowseriesnumber disable resize col wdith by @fangsmile in #1744
- 1732 bug hide row header pivot table by @fangsmile in #1737
- fix: fix col & row order in cellInRanges() by @Rui-Sun in #1746
- fix: add string mark in csv-export #1730 by @Rui-Sun in #1745
- Fix/fs style align by @Rui-Sun in #1741
- Feat/export cell disable background by @Rui-Sun in #1736
- 1747 bug settablecolumnseditor error by @fangsmile in #1748
- [Auto release] release 0.25.8 by @github-actions in #1749
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.25.7...v0.25.9