🆕 feat
- @visactor/vtable: support async in downloadCsv&downloadExcel
- @visactor/vtable: linkJump & linkDetect support function
- @visactor/vtable: support react17 in customLayout function
- @visactor/vtable: add keepColumnWidthChange in vue-vtable #3346
- @visactor/vtable: add grid-tree mode for pivot table
🐛 fix
- @visactor/vtable: when resize gantt view size should update dependency node size #3287
- @visactor/vtable: resize or move taskbar update record problem #3321
- @visactor/vtable: updateScales to quarter taskbar size error #3348
- @visactor/vtable: mouseover last date border occor error for gantt #3373
- @visactor/vtable: fix clipped judgement in getCellOverflowText()
- @visactor/vtable: fix rowData error in media-click #3342
- @visactor/vtable: fix header checkbox state in functional cellType #3334
- @visactor/vtable: fix text vertical layout #3353
- @visactor/vtable: fix merge cell style update in vtable-search #3327
🔨 refactor
- @visactor/vtable: rowSeriesNumber cell can use theme headerStyle #3362
What's Changed
- Merge main into develop by @Rui-Sun in #3359
- [Auto changelog] changlog of v1.15.2 by @github-actions in #3360
- fix: update class names for Vue ArcoSelect components by @YELineee in #3345
- fix: typo error for datasource by @warjiang in #3332
- docs: add ai tool help usage by @fangsmile in #3384
- 3373 bug vtable gantt mousemove border occor error by @fangsmile in #3378
- 3362 bug rowseriesnumber headerstyle by @fangsmile in #3370
- 3287 bug gantt dependency line by @fangsmile in #3366
- 3348 bug vtable gantt update scale by @fangsmile in #3358
- fix: fix rowData error in media-click #3342 by @Rui-Sun in #3369
- feat: support async in downloadCsv&downloadExcel by @Rui-Sun in #3371
- feat: linkJump & linkDetect support function by @Rui-Sun in #3372
- fix: fix text vertical layout #3353 by @Rui-Sun in #3368
- feat: add keepColumnWidthChange in vue-vtable #3346 by @Rui-Sun in #3376
- feat: support react17 in customLayout function by @Rui-Sun in #3379
- fix: fix merge cell style update in vtable-search #3327 by @Rui-Sun in #3380
- fix: fix header checkbox state in functional cellType #3334 by @Rui-Sun in #3381
- 3321 bug update table record error by @fangsmile in #3355
- fix: fix clipped judgement in getCellOverflowText() by @Rui-Sun in #3385
- 401 feature pivot grid expand collapse by @fangsmile in #3328
- fix: fix vue build error by @Rui-Sun in #3386
- fix: fix vue build error by @fangsmile in #3387
- [Auto release] release 1.16.0 by @github-actions in #3388
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.15.2...v1.16.0