is a library that allows you to log data into the storage and periodically emit stored logs to the server using
library functionality.
By default it logs data to the localstorage but you can use your own storage by providing methods for getting and setting data to it.
It also allows you to overload the global console logging methods (like log
, warn
, error
etc.) the by passing appropriate property to the logger configuration.
npm install @voicenter-team/socketio-storage-logger --save
Parameter | Description |
socket |
SocketIO connection / undefined default: undefined. Defines the initialized socket socket-io connection. |
url |
string / undefined default: undefined. Defines the socket connection url. |
socketOptions |
object . Defines initializing configuration options for socket-io connection. |
loggerOptions |
LoggerOptions . Defines the configuration options for logger. |
Parameter | Description |
logToConsole |
boolean default: true. This defines if logger should contain default behavior like logging data to console. |
overloadGlobalConsole |
boolean default: false. This defines if the global console object should be overloaded with logger functionality. |
namespace |
string . This defines the namespace for the storage key. This value should be unique across the projects. |
socketEmitInterval |
number default: 60000. This defines the interval for sending logs using sockets in milliseconds. |
getItem |
(storage: string) => string; . This defines the custom function for getting logs from storage. Function can be both synchronous or asynchronous. |
setItem |
(storage: string, logs: string) => void; . This defines the custom function for setting logs to storage. The second 'logs' parameter should be string or stringified object. Function can be both synchronous or asynchronous. |
parseLog |
(level: string, logs: any[]) => string; . This defines the custom function for parsing logs. Function should be synchronous. |
To start using the library first of all import it:
const StorageLogger = require("@voicenter-team/socketio-storage-logger")
import StorageLogger from "@voicenter-team/socketio-storage-logger"
When initializing logger you should pass to parameters either url
and socketOptions
(which will be used for socket connection) or already initialized socket connection socket
Here is an example of creating logger based on url
and socketOptions
const logger = new StorageLogger({
url: "",
socketOptions: {
reconnection: true,
reconnectionDelay: 5000,
reconnectionAttempts: 10,
perMessageDeflate: false,
upgrade: false,
transports: [ 'websocket' ],
debug: false
loggerOptions: {
namespace: "test-project",
logToConsole: true,
overloadGlobalConsole: false,
socketEmitInterval: 10000
And here is an example of creating logger based on socket
import io from ""
const url = ""
const options: {
reconnection: true,
reconnectionDelay: 5000,
reconnectionAttempts: 10,
perMessageDeflate: false,
upgrade: false,
transports: [ 'websocket' ],
debug: false
const socket = io(url, options)
const logger = new StorageLogger({
loggerOptions: {
namespace: "test-project",
logToConsole: true,
overloadGlobalConsole: false,
socketEmitInterval: 10000
To use custom storage you should provide getter (getItem
) and setter (setItem
) for your storage. Next example shows usage of custom storage on the example of node-storage
const StorageLogger = require("@voicenter-team/socketio-storage-logger")
const Storage = require('node-storage');
const store = new Storage('./logs.json');
function getItem(storageId) {
return store.get(storageId)
function setItem(storageId, logs) {
store.put(storageId, logs);
function parseLog (level, logs) {
const message = => JSON.stringify(log)).join(' ')
const time = new Date().toISOString()
return JSON.stringify({ level, time, message })
const logger = new StorageLogger({
url: "",
socketOptions: {
reconnection: true,
reconnectionDelay: 5000,
reconnectionAttempts: 10,
perMessageDeflate: false,
upgrade: false,
transports: [ 'websocket' ],
debug: false
loggerOptions: {
namespace: "test-project",
logToConsole: true,
overloadGlobalConsole: false,
socketEmitInterval: 10000,
logger.log("Test log method")
logger.warn("Test warn method")
logger.error("Test error method")
// Next lines do the same that previuos few as we passed config parameter overloadGlobalConsole as true
console.log("Test log method")
console.warn("Test warn method")
console.error("Test error method")
First of all import AsyncStorageLogger:
import StorageLogger from "@voicenter-team/socketio-storage-logger"
is not available in background.js so let's create custom getItem and setItem functions:
import StorageLogger from "@voicenter-team/socketio-storage-logger"
const getItemFunc = async (storageId) => {
const results = await
return results[storageId]
const setItemFunc = async (storageId, logs) => {
await{ [storageId]: logs })
const logger = new StorageLogger({
url: "",
socketOptions: {
reconnection: true,
reconnectionDelay: 5000,
reconnectionAttempts: 10,
perMessageDeflate: false,
upgrade: false,
transports: [ 'websocket' ],
debug: false
loggerOptions: {
namespace: "extension-project",
logToConsole: true,
overloadGlobalConsole: false,
socketEmitInterval: 10000,
getItem: getItemFunc,
setItem: setItemFunc