Runs cucumberjs features and output results in various formats including html.
Runs cucumberjs features and/or scenarios in parallel.
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-cucumberjs --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named cucumberjs
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
cucumberjs: {
options: {
format: 'html',
output: 'my_report.html',
theme: 'bootstrap'
my_features: ['features/feature1.feature', 'features/feature2.feature'],
other_features: {
options: {
output: 'other_report.html'
src: ['other_features/feature1.feature', 'other_features/feature2.feature']
If all your feature files are located in the default location of features/
then just leave the feature configuation as an empty array. See following:
cucumberjs: {
options: {
format: 'html',
output: './public/report.html',
theme: 'foundation'
features : []
#runs all features specified in task
$ grunt cucumberjs
#you can override options via the cli
$ grunt cucumberjs --require=test/functional/step_definitions/ --features=features/myFeature.feature --format=pretty
Type: String
Default: ''
Passes the value as --steps
parameter to cucumber.
Type: String
Default: ''
Passes the value as --require
parameter to cucumber. If an array, each item is passed as a separate --require
Use if step_definitions and hooks are NOT in default location of features/step_definitions
Type: String|Array
Default: ''
Passes the value as --tags
parameter to cucumber. If an array, each item is passed as a separate --tags
Type: String
Default: 'foundation'
Available: ['foundation', 'bootstrap', 'simple']
Specifies which theme to use for the html report
Type: String
Default: 'features/templates'
Location of your custom templates. Simply name the template the same as the one you are trying to override and grunt-cucumberjs will use it over the default template
Type: String
Default: 'features_report.html'
Type: String
Default: 'html'
Available: ['pretty', 'progress', 'summary', 'html']
Supports multiple formatter.
Type: Array
Available: ['pretty', 'progress', 'summary', 'html']
e.g. formats: ['html', 'pretty']
Note: html
formatter will provide Json as well as html
report. Multiple formatter is supported for cucumber [email protected] or higher.
Type: Boolean
Default: 'undefined'
Available: ['true', 'false']
A flag to enable Parallel execution.
- For Cucumber version latest or greater than v0.8.0
• You can run Cucumber Features and/or Scenarios Parallel
• `--parallel scenarios` runs scenarios parallel
• By default or `--parallel features` runs features in parallel
For more information visit cucumber-parallel module
- For Cucumber version lesser than v0.8.0, it requires dependency on parallel-cucumber npmjs module
• You can run only Cucumber Features in Parallel
• `--workers <number>` defines number of workers to run in parallel
Type: Boolean
Default: 'false'
Available: ['true', 'false']
ends the suite after the first failure
it can also be activated without setting options.failFast
and passing --fail-fast
as a grunt task option
Type: Boolean
Default: 'false'
Available: ['true', 'false']
dry-run the suite and provides snippets for pending steps
it can also be activated without setting options.dryRun
and passing --dry-run
as a grunt task option
Type: Boolean
Default: 'false'
Available: ['true', 'false']
A flag to turn console log on or off
Type: Boolean
Default: 'false'
Available: ['true', 'false']
A flag to enabling debugging from IDE like WebStorm. Limitation of this flag is it only does not support the HTML output, yet ;)
Type: String
Default: undefined
Rerun the failed scenarios recorded in the @rerun.txt
To Re-run failed scenarios:
- Set the cucumber-js task format to
options: {
format: 'rerun:@rerun.txt',
It will record all the failed scenarios to @rerun.txt
Take a look at options.formats
to generate html report
- Run failed scenarios by passing
grunt option
Type: String
Sets the Cucumber Compiler options. It can also be set by passing through command line --compiler
Type: Boolean
Default: 'false'
Available: ['true', 'false']
Reports total number of failed/passed Scenarios in headers if set to true
Reports total number of failed/passed Features in headers if set to false
or undefined
If you are using WebDriverJS (or related framework) along with cucumber-js for browser automation, you can attach screenshots to grunt-cucumberjs HTML report. Typically screenshots are taken after a test failure to help debug what went wrong when analyzing results, for example
this.After(function (scenario, callback) {
driver.takeScreenshot().then(function (buffer) {
scenario.attach(new Buffer(buffer, 'base64').toString('binary'), 'image/png');
driver.quit().then(function () {
If you are using WebDriverJS (or related framework) along with cucumber-js for browser automation, you can attach texts to grunt-cucumberjs HTML report. This helps in debugging or reviewing your results in particular to your tests data.
this.After(function (scenario, callback) {
scenario.attach("test data goes here");
Sample pie chart is available at Bootstrap Theme Report with Pie Chart
Two pie charts are displayed on report
- Features: number of passed/failed features
- Scenarios: number of passed/failed/pending scenarios.
Please note that Pie Charts are available only for Bootstrap Theme