- Mise en situation / Case Study.
- WealthHealth est une société financière qui utilise une application interne HRNet is a intern app that provide HR service management tools.
- Intégration de maquette / Mockup integration.
- Créer une nouvelle version de l'application (basée sur jQuery) avec React / Create a new version of legacy app which was based on jQuery, with React.
- Créer et publier un composant React sur nmp / Build react component library (published on npm).
- Comparer les performances Legacy<->React app / Performance comparison Legacy app <-> React app.
- Frontend Developper of web department
- date-fns: 2.28.0 https://yarnpkg.com/package/date-fns
- formik: 2.2.9 https://yarnpkg.com/package/formik
- nanoid: 3.3.3 https://yarnpkg.com/package/nanoid
- react-scripts: 5.0.1 https://yarnpkg.com/package/react-scripts
- yup: 0.32.11 https://yarnpkg.com/package/yup
Clone the repo : git clone https://github.com/W-Kamal/WealthHealth_14.git
Install dependencies : pnpm* install
Launch local version : pnpm* start
-> http://localhost:3000/
Add the custom component package from npm : pnpm* install mycustom-component
*use any package manager that suits you
This project was made for learning a specific concept or tool. Therefore it might appear not complete.
If I had to push further this project, I would work on :
- Ask to a real Designer to create a mockup.
- Improve the UI of displayed datas.
- Improve contrast.