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This is a sample IIIF Presentation (v3) manifest for a video with OHMS index points and full transcript in Aviary. Manifests would be generated by Aviary based on the following mapping and templated data and served through a IIIF Presentation (v3) API.

Index Annotations (including title, partial transcript, synopsis, subjects, and keywords) are grouped as one AnnotationPage per index point and associated with the top-level painting Canvas. The transcript is split into one segment per Annotation with Annotations grouped as one AnnotationPage and associated with the top-level painting Canvas. Index AnnotationPages and the transcript AnnotationPage are members of an AnnotationCollection. (AnnotationCollection data would also be available through the Presentation API and is included here as a separate JSON file for demonstration purposes.) Additional annotation sets created by the provider or users would be included in their own AnnotationCollections so as to individually manage administrative metadata and access restrictions.

Presentation (v3) manifest Aviary Notes
@id [Aviary resource manifest URL]
@type “Manifest”
label Title
metadata ‘Author’: Agent‘Publisher’: Publisher‘Language’: Language‘Date’: Date‘Format’: Format Array of label/value objects (required/minimum metadata fields TBD)
summary Description
thumbnail List of default or user-submitted thumbnails (not included in this example)
requiredStatement Rights Statement Array of label/value objects for Attribution and Copyright
provider Organization information
provider.[*].id Organization URL
provider.[*].type “Agent”
provider.[*].label Organization Name
provider.[*].homepage[*].id Organization Aviary URL
provider.[*].homepage[*].type “Text”
provider.[*].homepage[*].label Organization Name
provider.[*].homepage[*].format “text/html”
provider.[*].logo Organization Logo If provided (not included in this example)
provider.[*].logo.@id [Organization logo URL]
items Canvas (see below)
id [Aviary resource URL + canvas id] Video sequence id
type “Canvas”
label “Video [sequence] of [total videos]”
duration [File duration] In seconds (float)
height (Are we storing this somewhere from tech metadata?)
width See above
items Painting AnnotationPage (see below)
annotations AnnotationPage objects (see below)
AnnotationPage (Painting)
id [Aviary resource URL + canvas id + painting annotation page id] Will likely be "1" (one painting AnnotationPage per canvas)
type “AnnotationPage”
items Painting Annotation (see below)
Annotation (Painting)
id [Aviary resource URL + canvas id + painting annotation page id] Will likely be 1 (one painting Annotation per AnnotationPage or the first Annotation)
type “Annotation”
motivation “painting”
body [direct video url] Will be source video url if embedded
body.type “Video”
body.format “video/[format]” Will usually be “mp4”
body.duration [video duration] In seconds (float)
body.height (Are we storing this somewhere from tech metadata?)
body.width See above
target [parent Canvas id]
AnnotationPage (Index points and transcript)
id [Aviary resource URL + canvas id + annotation page id] Database-generated identifiers? User-defined annotation sequence? TBD
type “AnnotationPage”
partOf [AnnotationCollection URI of parent annotation set]
items Annotations (see below)
Annotation (Index points and transcript)
label [type of annotation, ex. “Transcript”] Label serves as both display label for annotation and to further refine motivations (below) for mediating display/behavior
motivation “supplementing”, [additional motivation from controlled Web Annotation list] List of motivations -- “supplementing” is required. Add additional motivation based on function. Mapping:
OHMS index title > “describing”
OHMS index synopsis > “describing”
OHMS index partial transcript > “describing”
OHMS index subject > “tagging”
OHMS index keyword > “tagging”
Transcript > “transcribing”? (no applicable motivation in Web Annotation list)
body May be single body or multiple bodies for multiple instances of similar annotations for the defined time point or range (ex. subjects or keywords)
body.type “TextualBody”
body.value [annotation value]
body.format [annotation type, will usually be text/plain or text/vtt (or possibly text/html for vtt)]
target.source [parent Canvas id]
target.selector.type “PointSelector” Or “RangeSelector” for time range
target.selector.t [annotation timecode] In seconds (float). Used with PointSelector
target.selector.startSelector Used with “RangeSelector”
target.selector.startSelector.type “PointSelector”
target.selector.startSelector.t [annotation start timecode] In seconds (float)
target.selector.endSelector.type “PointSelector”
target.selector.endSelector.t [annotation end timecode] In seconds (float)


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