This plugin makes the maximum view distance of each player highly customisable.
The customisability of the plugin can make it a little confusing, so please refer to the documentation and flow diagrams and join the Discord if you need help!
- Per-player control: Each player has their own max view distance, which can be set and saved individually by them or by another player (if they have the permissions to do so).
- Global control: Easily set the max view distance of all online players.
- Saves data persistently: Automatically restores player view distances when they connect to the server, even across restarts.
- LuckPerms integration: Max view distances can be set for groups or individual players via Luckperms (LuckPerms is not required).
- AFK view restriction: AFK players can have their views restricted until they next move to improve server performance. This can be completely customised or disabled in the config.
- Highly configurable: Control most features and messages in the plugin (default configs at the bottom of this page!)
- Bedrock support: Full bedrock support and bedrock players can have custom default values.
- Very lightweight: The plugin does not use much CPU or RAM at all and can even greatly improve performance as the server may have to send less chunk data to players!)
- Update checker: As of v2.0.0, an update checker is built-in.
- Multi-language support: All messages are customisable and you can even add your own language by creating a file in the 'lang' folder and referencing that file in config.yml. If you wish, you could make a pull request with any more languages so the plugin can ship with them in the future. The plugin currently ships with English, Russian and Chinese.
- PlaceHolderAPI support: Placeholders are now built in to see if players are AFK and to see a player's current max view distance.
- If a player goes AFK, after a certain amount of time, their view distance will be restricted to stop AFK players making the server lag.
- Restriction distance and the time it takes to consider a player AFK are customisable.
- There is a bypass permission to stop your view distance being restricted when AFK.
- Spectator mode players can bypass AFK by default
- All of the above is customisable in config.yml.
- Aliases:
- Usage:
/pvdc set <chunks> [player]
- Sets the maximum view distance of yourself or another online player
- Usage:
/pvdc setonline <chunks>
- Sets the maximum view distance of all online players
- Usage:
/pvdc get [player]
- Get your own max view distance or the max view distance of another player
- Usage:
/pvdc reset [player]
- Resets a player's max view distance to the max (or the max allowed by LuckPerms permissions if installed!)
- Usage:
/pvdc reload
- Reloads config.yml (restart server to apply changes to custom messages and the AFK system!)
- Usage:
/pvdc help
- Displays the plugin help message
- Set your own max view distance:
- Set the max view distance of other players:
- Permission-based max view distance via LuckPerms:
- Global view distance:
- Reload plugin config:
- Get the max view distance of another player:
- Get your own max view distance:
- Reset your max view distance to the max (or the max allowed by LuckPerms permissions if installed!):
- Reset a player's max view distance to the max (or the max allowed by LuckPerms permissions if installed!):
- Bypass any maxdistance permissions assigned to you:
- Bypass afk checks:
- All permissions are granted to ops by default
is granted to all players by default
language: en_US
colour: "§e§l(!) §e"
error-colour: "§c§l(!) §c"
success-colour: "§a§l(!) §a"
# Default view distance for anyone who joins the server (Must be between 2 and 32)
default-distance: 32
bedrock-default-distance: 32
# Maximum view distance for anyone (Cannot exceed 32)
max-distance: 32
# Minimum view distance for anyone (Cannot be less than 2)
min-distance: 2
# Display a message when a player joins telling them what their view distance is set to
display-msg-on-join: true
# Display a message when a player joins telling them what their view distance is set to, when it is the default or maximum
display-max-join-msg: false
# If chunks loaded will be limited for AFK players
afk-chunk-limiter: true
# After how many seconds the plugin will consider a player AFK
afkTime: 20
# The view distance of an AFK player
afkChunks: 2
# Whether players in spectator mode bypass AFK checks
spectators-can-afk: true
update-checker-enabled: true
join: "Your maximum view distance is currently set to {chunks} chunks"
player-offline: "That player is not online!"
no-permission: "You do not have permission to execute this command!"
# The message displayed when there are not enough arguments or the arguments are invalid
incorrect-args: "Incorrect arguments - Use /pvdc help for help"
afk: "You're AFK, so your view distance has been restricted to {chunks} chunks!"
afk-return: "Your view distance has returned to normal!"
chunks-too-high: "You can only set your view distance to a value less than or equal to {chunks} chunks!"
self-view-distance-change: "You changed your maximum view distance to {chunks} chunks"
# The message displayed for the command sender when they change someone else's maximum view distance
sender-view-distance-change: "{target-player}'s maximum view distance was changed to {chunks} chunks"
# The message displayed for a player when their maximum view distance has been changed
target-view-distance-change: "Your maximum view distance has been changed to {chunks} chunks"
reset: "You reset {target-player}'s saved view distance!"
self-reset: "You reset your saved view distance!"
reload-config: "The PVDC config files have been successfully reloaded"
all-online-change: "The maximum view distance of all online players has been set to {chunks} chunks"
view-distance-get: "{target-player}'s maximum view distance is currently set to {chunks} chunks"
self-view-distance-get: "Your maximum view distance is currently set to {chunks} chunks"
get: "Displays a player's max view distance"
help: "Displays the plugin's help message"
reload: "Reload the plugin's config.yml"
reset: "Resets a player's max view distance"
set: "Set your own max view distance or the max view distance of another player"
setonline: "Sets the max view distance of all online players"