MLPP Featuring 1.2.0
Code run at the CNAM to get MLPP features.
Steps to run the featuring:
1) Run the jar with spark-submit. Example:
spark-submit \
--executor-memory 110G \
--class fr.polytechnique.cmap.cnam.filtering.mlpp.MLPPMain \
./SNIIRAM-flattening-assembly.jar conf=./mlpp_config.conf env=cnam
Where mlpp_config.conf
is the custom configuration file.
2) The csv features will be written to the path found in mlpp_config.conf
under the key mlpp_features
, so a cal to hdfs get is needed. Example:
mkdir mlpp && cd mlpp
hdfs dfs -get /shared/mlpp_features/csv/*
3) Copy the script to the same directory of the local features and run it. example:
cp mlpp && cd mlpp