Stopwatch (docs)
Stopwatch are available on, just add the dependency to your composer.json.
"require" : {
"yep/stopwatch": "1.*"
or run Composer command:
php composer.phar require yep/stopwatch
Stopwatch allows you to measure how long it takes to execute a certain parts of code.
You can use start
, stop
and lap
like in real world.
use Yep\Stopwatch\Stopwatch;
use Yep\Stopwatch\Formatter;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
// Start lap
// ... some code
// Stop latest lap and start new one
// ... some code
// Stop latest lap
$event = $stopwatch->stop('event_name');
// Results are in seconds
echo $event->getDuration(); // 0.0014588832855225
echo $event->getAverageDuration(); // 0.00063395500183105
// Result is in bytes
echo $event->getMemoryUsage(); // 1310720
// or, when you want read duration or memory usage in a human format :)
echo Formatter::formatTime($event->getDuration()); // 1.459 ms
echo Formatter::formatTime($event->getAverageDuration()); // 633.955 μs
echo Formatter::formatMemory($event->getMemoryUsage()); // 1.250 mb
use Yep\Stopwatch\Stopwatch;
use Yep\Stopwatch\Formatter;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
$data = array_merge(
range(rand(0, 100), rand(4000, 5000)),
range(rand(0, 100), rand(4000, 5000))
$unique = array_unique($data);
$stopwatch->start('flip + keys');
$flip_and_keys = array_keys(array_flip($data));
$stopwatch->stop('flip + keys');
$stopwatch->start('unique in cycle');
for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
$unique = array_unique($data);
$stopwatch->lap('unique in cycle');
$stopwatch->stop('unique in cycle');
$stopwatch->start('flip + keys in cycle');
for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
$flip_and_keys = array_keys(array_flip($data));
$stopwatch->lap('flip + keys in cycle');
$stopwatch->stop('flip + keys in cycle');
echo Formatter::formatTime($stopwatch->getEvent('data')->getDuration()); // 1.707 ms
echo Formatter::formatMemory($stopwatch->getEvent('data')->getMemoryUsage()); // 1.750 mb
echo Formatter::formatTime($stopwatch->getEvent('unique')->getDuration()); // 47.297 ms
echo Formatter::formatMemory($stopwatch->getEvent('unique')->getMemoryUsage()); // 1.750 mb
echo Formatter::formatTime($stopwatch->getEvent('flip + keys')->getDuration()); // 1.153 ms
echo Formatter::formatMemory($stopwatch->getEvent('flip + keys')->getMemoryUsage()); // 2.250 mb
echo Formatter::formatTime($stopwatch->getEvent('unique in cycle')->getDuration()); // 48.365 s
echo Formatter::formatTime($stopwatch->getEvent('unique in cycle')->getMinDuration()); // 22.173 μs
echo Formatter::formatTime($stopwatch->getEvent('unique in cycle')->getMaxDuration()); // 83.298 ms
echo Formatter::formatTime($stopwatch->getEvent('unique in cycle')->getAverageDuration()); // 48.302 ms
echo Formatter::formatMemory($stopwatch->getEvent('unique in cycle')->getMemoryUsage()); // 2.500 mb
echo Formatter::formatTime($stopwatch->getEvent('flip + keys in cycle')->getDuration()); // 1.386 s
echo Formatter::formatTime($stopwatch->getEvent('flip + keys in cycle')->getMinDuration()); // 12.159 μs
echo Formatter::formatTime($stopwatch->getEvent('flip + keys in cycle')->getMaxDuration()); // 1.878 ms
echo Formatter::formatTime($stopwatch->getEvent('flip + keys in cycle')->getAverageDuration()); // 1.375 ms
echo Formatter::formatMemory($stopwatch->getEvent('flip + keys in cycle')->getMemoryUsage()); // 3.250 mb
The Stopwatch\Event
object is returned from the start()
, stop()
, lap()
and getEvent()
use Yep\Stopwatch\Stopwatch;
$stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
// ...
$event = $stopwatch->getEvent('event_name');
echo $event->getMinDuration(); // 2.6941299438477E-5
use Yep\Stopwatch\Stopwatch;
$stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
// ...
$event = $stopwatch->getEvent('event_name');
echo $event->getMaxDuration(); // 0.00012302398681641
use Yep\Stopwatch\Stopwatch;
$stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
// ...
$event = $stopwatch->getEvent('event_name');
echo $event->getAverageDuration(); // 0.00063395500183105
use Yep\Stopwatch\Stopwatch;
$stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
// ...
$event = $stopwatch->getEvent('event_name');
echo $event->getMemoryUsage(); // 1835008
use Yep\Stopwatch\Stopwatch;
use Yep\Stopwatch\Formatter;
$stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
range(0, 100);
range(0, 3000);
range(0, 1000);
$event = $stopwatch->stop('event_name');
foreach ($event->getStoppedLaps() as $i => $lap) {
echo "Lap $i = " . Formatter::formatTime($lap->getDuration()) . "\n";
will print something like this:
Lap 0 = 41.962 μs
Lap 1 = 364.065 μs
Lap 2 = 70.095 μs
Yes :)
Try stopwatch manager ;)
use Yep\Stopwatch\Manager;
use Yep\Stopwatch\Stopwatch;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$manager = new Manager();
$manager->addStopwatch(new Stopwatch('kernel'));
$manager->addStopwatch(new Stopwatch('controller'));
or simply
use Yep\Stopwatch\Manager;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$manager = new Manager();
$manager->getStopwatch('kernel', false)->start('event_name');
$manager->getStopwatch('controller', false)->start('event_name');