Is free and open-source HR management system developed by Yerenzter.
You can use our system for:
- Personal
- Home
- School
- Office
- Business/Enterprise
- Governments
- Name: Ocean Wave HR system
- Developer: Yerenzter (of Qubonic Arts & Software, AYCQ.)
- Price: Unspecified
- Model: Open-source
- Platform: Web & Cross Platform
- Description: A free and open-source HR management system.
- Developer Address: Magcalon, San Jose, Antique 5700, PH
- License: AYCQ.
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- Material Icons- JSON (as database)
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- JSON-Server
- lowDB
To use our system you need to follow these commands carefully in order to work and run the system successfully.
git clone
Locate the cloned repository which the repository that you cloned. For example:
Linux - if the cloned repository stored in home/user
cd /home/user/oceanwave-hrms
Windows - if the cloned repository stored in C:/
cd c:/oceanwave-hrms
Android - if Termux was stored in /data/com.termux
cd oceanwave-hrms
If your machine does not have NodeJS and their modules installed yet just follow these command of the following:
Debian/Ubuntu & their derivatives.
sudo apt nodejs
Arch & their derivatives
sudo pacman -S nodejs
Alpine Linux
sudo apk install nodejs
winget install Node
pkg install nodejs
If your machine does not have any modules installed follow the commands of the following:
npm install -g express json-server lowdb twilio
node server.js
Copy this address
Enjoy :)