Welcome to the Theatre API! This API is a Django-based web application designed to manage theatrical performances, theatre sessions, reservations, and related data for a theatre. It provides various endpoints for administrators and authenticated users to interact with the system, offering features such as viewing and filtering performances, managing show sessions, creating reservations, and more.
Before you begin, make sure you have the following tools and technologies installed:
- Python (>=3.6)
- Django
- Django REST framework
git clone https://github.com/Evheniia96/theatre-api
python3 -m venv venv
venv\Scripts\activate (on Windows)
source venv/bin/activate (on macOS)
pip install -r requirements.txt
Login into the Docker:
docker login
Pull the project:
docker pull evgeniiailchenko/docker-theatre
Open file .env.sample and change environment variables to yours. Also rename file extension to .env
- Install PostgreSQL, create DB and User
- Connect DB
- Run:
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
Docker should be already installed
docker-compose up --build
- Path to create user: api/users
- Path to login user: api/users/token
- Authorize Bearer
- docker ps
- docker exec -it theatre bash
- python manage.py createsuperuser
You can use following:
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: 1qazcde3
key: Authorize
value: Bearer <token>
docker-compose down
- List Plays:
GET /api/theatre/plays/
- Create Plays:
POST /api/theatre/plays/
- Retrieve Plays:
GET /api/theatre/plays/{play_id}/
- Update Plays:
PUT /api/theatre/plays/{play_id}/
- Partial Update
PATCH /api/theatre/plays/{play_id}/
- Delete Plays:
DELETE /api/theatre/plays/{play_id}/
- List Performances:
GET /api/theatre/performances/
- Create Performances:
POST /api/theatre/performances/
- Retrieve Performances:
GET /api/theatre/performances/{performance_id}/
- Update Performances:
PUT /api/theatre/performances/{performance_id}/
- Partial Update
PATCH /api/theatre/performances/{performance_id}/
- Delete Performances:
DELETE /api/theatre/performances/{performance_id}/
- List Reservations:
GET /api/theatre/reservations/
- Create Reservation:
POST /api/theatre/reservations/
- Retrieve Reservation:
GET /api/theatre/reservations/{reservation_id}/
- Update Reservation:
PUT /api/theatre/reservations/{reservation_id}/
- Partial Update
PATCH /api/theatre/reservations/{reservation_id}/
- Delete Reservation:
DELETE /api/theatre/reservations/{reservation_id}/
- List Actors:
GET /api/theatre/actors/
- Create Actor:
POST /api/theatre/actors/
- Retrieve Actor:
GET /api/theatre/actors/{actor_id}/
- Update Actor:
PUT /api/theatre/actors/{actor_id}/
- Partial Update
PATCH /api/theatre/actors/{actor_id}/
- Delete Actor:
DELETE /api/theatre/actors/{actor_id}/
- List Genres:
GET /api/theatre/genres/
- Create Genre:
POST /api/theatre/genres/
- Retrieve Genre:
GET /api/theatre/genres/{genre_id}/
- Update Genre:
PUT /api/theatre/genres/{genre_id}/
- Partial Update
PATCH /api/theatre/genres/{genre_id}/
- Delete Genre:
DELETE /api/theatre/genres/{genre_id}/
Theathe halls
- List Theathe halls:
GET /api/planetarium/theatres/
- Create Theathe hall:
POST /api/planetarium/theatres/
- Retrieve Theathe hall:
GET /api/planetarium/theatres/{theatre_id}/
- Update Theathe hall:
PUT /api/planetarium/theatres/{theatre_id}/
- Partial Update
PATCH /api/planetarium/theatres/{theatre_id}/
- Delete Theathe hall:
DELETE /api/planetarium/theatres/{theatre_id}/
- The API is documented using the OpenAPI standard.
- Access the API documentation by running the server and navigating to http://localhost:8000/api/doc/swagger/ or http://localhost:8000/api/doc/redoc/.