Shows a standard questionnaire form to randomly picked website visitors. Analyzes textual responses by using Etuma API. Visualizes responses on a dashboard. Supports multiple separate web services.
- Yii Framework 1.1.14 ( )
- PHP 5.4 or newer
- php5-curl
- MySQL-database
- Apache mod_rewrite plugin
- git clone ssh://[email protected]/Yleisradio/survey.git
- run the following commands:
cd survey/protected
chmod o+x
- Modify the yii framework path in shared/config/bootstrap.php line 10
- Create MySQL priviledges and a database
- Add the database connection information to shared/config/common.php lines 37-41
- Add possible Etuma, ComScore and other configuration in shared/config/common.php
- run the following command:
php5 yiic.php migrate
- Test it by browsing to for example http://localhost/survey (depends on your server configuration)
- When everything is working fine change the application to production mode by commenting out line 7 and removing comments on line 8 in shared/config/bootstrap.php
- run the following command:
- run the following commands:
git reset --hard
git pull ssh://[email protected]/Yleisradio/survey.git
cd survey/protected
- Install the application to a publicly accessible web server
- Add <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> before the ending body tag to all of the pages you want the survey to appear in. Replace the address with the correct address.
- Configure visit motives in
- Configure surveys in
- Optionally add previously configure html attribute to your existing web services