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Francisco Dias edited this page Nov 19, 2024 · 6 revisions


The following are the available constants to use with the AdMob API.


This module includes a set of predefined constants that can be utilized for various purposes. Browse through the available constants to find values relevant to your needs and enhance the efficiency of your code.

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This set of constants represents the error values that can be returned from the AdMob function calls.

These constants are referenced by the following functions:

Member Description
ADMOB_OK There were no errors.
ADMOB_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED The AdMob extension needs to be initialized prior to this call
ADMOB_ERROR_INVALID_AD_ID The provided ad unit ID is not valid.
ADMOB_ERROR_AD_LIMIT_REACHED The limit of loaded ads for this specific type was reached.
ADMOB_ERROR_NO_ADS_LOADED There are no loaded ads to be shown for this specific type.
ADMOB_ERROR_NO_ACTIVE_BANNER_AD There is no active banner ad.
ADMOB_ERROR_ILLEGAL_CALL The call you are trying to execute is illegal (used for functions that need to be called prior to initialization).
ADMOB_ERROR_NULL_VIEW_HANDLER The view handler responsible for rendering the ads is not available (only available on Android).

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This set of constants represents the precision type of the reported ad value.

These constants are referenced by the following functions:

Member Description
ADMOB_ADVALUE_PRECISION_UNKNOWN An unknown precision type.
ADMOB_ADVALUE_PRECISION_ESTIMATED An ad value estimated from aggregated data.
ADMOB_ADVALUE_PRECISION_PRECISE The precise value paid for this ad.
ADMOB_ADVALUE_PRECISION_PUBLISHER_PROVIDED A publisher-provided ad value, such as manual CPMs in a mediation group.

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This set of constants represents the various types of available banner.

Member Description
AdMob_Banner_NORMAL Normal sized banner (320x50 dp)
AdMob_Banner_LARGE Large sized banner (320x100 dp)
AdMob_Banner_MEDIUM IAB medium rectangle (300x250 dp)
AdMob_Banner_FULL IAB full-size banner (468x60 dp - tablets only)
AdMob_Banner_LEADERBOARD IAB leaderboard (728x90 dp - tablets only)
AdMob_Banner_SMART A dynamic size banner (deprecated, see AdMob_Banner_ADAPTIVE)
AdMob_Banner_ADAPTIVE A dynamically sized banner

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This set of constants represents the banner alignment style.

These constants are referenced by the following functions:

Member Description
ADMOB_BANNER_ALIGNMENT_LEFT Left aligns the banner being created.
ADMOB_BANNER_ALIGNMENT_CENTER Center aligns the banner being created
ADMOB_BANNER_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT Right aligns the banner being created

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This set of constants represents the various types of possible content ratings for ads.

These constants are referenced by the following functions:

Member Description
AdMob_ContentRating_GENERAL Content suitable for general audiences.
AdMob_ContentRating_PARENTAL_GUIDANCE Content suitable for most audiences with parental guidance.
AdMob_ContentRating_TEEN Content suitable for teen and older audiences.
AdMob_ContentRating_MATURE_AUDIENCE Content suitable only for mature audiences.

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This set of constants represents the various consent status.

These constants are referenced by the following functions:

Member Description
AdMob_Consent_Status_UNKNOWN Consent status is unknown.
AdMob_Consent_Status_NOT_REQUIRED User consent not required.
AdMob_Consent_Status_REQUIRED User consent required but not yet obtained.
AdMob_Consent_Status_OBTAINED User consent obtained. Personalized vs non-personalized undefined.

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This set of constants represents the given consent type.

These constants are referenced by the following functions:

Member Description
AdMob_Consent_Type_UNKNOWN Consent type is unknown (before consent was requested).
AdMob_Consent_Type_NON_PERSONALIZED Consent was given for non-personalized ads.
AdMob_Consent_Type_PERSONALIZED Consent was given for personalized ads.
AdMob_Consent_Type_DECLINED Consent was declined for any kind of ads.

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This set of constants represents the consent mode (these are used for testing porpuses).

These constants are referenced by the following functions:

Member Description
AdMob_Consent_Mode_DEBUG_GEOGRAPHY_DISABLED Debug geography disabled.
AdMob_Consent_Mode_DEBUG_GEOGRAPHY_EEA Geography appears as in EEA for debug devices.
AdMob_Consent_Mode_DEBUG_GEOGRAPHY_NOT_EEA Geography appears as not in EEA for debug devices.
AdMob_Consent_Mode_PRODUCTION Same as AdMob_Consent_Mode_DEBUG_GEOGRAPHY_DISABLED, used for production.

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This set of constants represents all the available event types that can be created by the AdMob extension. They are the value assigned to the type member of the async_load when an Social Async Event is triggered.

These constants are referenced by the following functions:

Member Description
ADMOB_EV_INITIALIZED The extension was successfuly initialized.
ADMOB_EV_CONSENT_INFO_UPDATED The consent information was updated.
ADMOB_EV_CONSENT_INFO_UPDATE_FAILED The consent information failed to update.
ADMOB_EV_CONSENT_LOADED The consent form loaded successfuly.
ADMOB_EV_CONSENT_LOAD_FAILED The consent form failed to load.
ADMOB_EV_CONSENT_SHOWED The consent form was properly showed.
ADMOB_EV_CONSENT_SHOW_FAILED The consent form failed to show.
ADMOB_EV_BANNER_LOADED The banner ad loaded successfuly.
ADMOB_EV_BANNER_LOAD_FAILED The banner ad failed to load.
ADMOB_EV_INTERSTITIAL_LOADED The insterstitial ad loaded successfuly.
ADMOB_EV_INTERSTITIAL_LOAD_FAILED The insterstitial ad failed to load.
ADMOB_EV_INTERSTITIAL_SHOWED The insterstitial ad was properly showed.
ADMOB_EV_INTERSTITIAL_SHOW_FAILED The insterstitial ad failed to show.
ADMOB_EV_INTERSTITIAL_DISMISSED The insterstitial ad was dismissed.
ADMOB_EV_REWARDED_LOADED The rewarded ad loaded successfuly.
ADMOB_EV_REWARDED_LOAD_FAILED The rewarded ad failed to load.
ADMOB_EV_REWARDED_SHOWED The rewarded ad was properly showed.
ADMOB_EV_REWARDED_SHOW_FAILED The rewarded ad failed to show.
ADMOB_EV_REWARDED_DISMISSED The rewarded ad was dismissed.
ADMOB_EV_REWARDED_REWARD The rewarded ad was fully watched and the user should be rewarded.
ADMOB_EV_REWARDED_INTERSTITIAL_LOADED The rewarded interstitial ad loaded successfuly.
ADMOB_EV_REWARDED_INTERSTITIAL_LOAD_FAILED The rewarded interstitial ad failed to load.
ADMOB_EV_REWARDED_INTERSTITIAL_SHOWED The rewarded interstitial ad was properly showed.
ADMOB_EV_REWARDED_INTERSTITIAL_SHOW_FAILED The rewarded interstitial ad failed to show.
ADMOB_EV_REWARDED_INTERSTITIAL_DISMISSED The rewarded interstitial ad was dismissed.
ADMOB_EV_REWARDED_INTERSTITIAL_REWARD The rewarded interstitial ad was fully watched and the user should be rewarded.
ADMOB_EV_APP_OPEN_LOADED The app open ad ad failed to load.
ADMOB_EV_APP_OPEN_LOAD_FAILED The app open ad ad failed to load.
ADMOB_EV_APP_OPEN_SHOWED The app open ad was properly showed.
ADMOB_EV_APP_OPEN_SHOW_FAILED The app open ad was dismissed.
ADMOB_EV_APP_OPEN_DISMISSED The app open ad was dismissed.
ADMOB_EV_PAID The displayed ad was estimated to have earned money.