version 1.0.0
This discord bot is intended to provide the users with an experience that many anime bots lack, which includes features like : acessing a database for anime queries and listing different animes for a certain genre. This bot is originally designed for smaller use, but is being prepared for commerical use.
Written in Javascript, with Node.js ( However not constant runtime ). Jikan API is used to access the anime database & myanimelist. Discord.js is used for implementation of the discord client for user commands which utilizes the Node.js Version 12.16
The $ is the prefix for any user typed command, below is the $help command which will give a list of commands that the user can use with a brief description of them.
The $view genres command is used for looking at the most popular anime genres ( from myanimelist, sorted with ratings and viewership )
The $view genre (type-genre) will list the top 25 anime at that specific genre ( Sorted by ratings )
Any invalid commands are filtered with a discord embed, accounting for edge cases, or api error