This is a data dat i use to set function for each of a user despite being together in one form of data.... this function dat i created helps u to easily call a task without involving the other users in the data...
function called printEmails which console.log's every email for the users.
printEmails(); // [email protected] // [email protected] // [email protected] // [email protected] // [email protected]
function called printHobbies which console.log's each hobby for each user.
printHobbies(); // "Fishing" // "Sailing" // "Hiking" // "Swimming" // "Biking" // "Hiking" // "Golf" // "Cooking" // "Archery" // "Tennis" // "Biking" // "Archery" // "Volunteering" // "Biking" // "Coding"
function called findHometownByState which returns the first user which has a hometown of the state that is passed in
For Example:
username: "larry",
email: "[email protected]",
years_experience: 22.1,
favorite_languages: ["Perl", "Scala", "C++"],
favorite_editor: "Vim",
hobbies: ["Fishing", "Sailing", "Hiking"],
hometown: {
city: "San Francisco",
state: "CA"
function called allLanguages which returns an array of all of the unique values
For Example: allLanguages(); // ["Perl", "Scala", "C++","Haskell", "PHP","JavaScript","Ruby", "Python", "Go","C#", "F#", "Swift"]
function called hasFavoriteEditor which returns a boolean if any of the users have the editor passed in
For Example: hasFavoriteEditor('VS Code'); // true hasFavoriteEditor('Eclipse'); // false
function called findByUsername which takes in a string and returns an object in the users array that has that username
For Example: findByUsername('david'); // { username: "david", email: "[email protected]", years_experience: 12.5, favorite_languages: ["JavaScript", "C#", "Swift"], favorite_editor: "VS Code", hobbies: ["Volunteering", "Biking", "Coding"], hometown: { city: "Los Angeles", state: "CA" } } //