This is a VM translator for the Nand2Tetris course. It translates VM code to Hack assembly code.
pnpm dev path/to/folderOrFile
A folder path is required. The folder should contain one or more .vm files. The output will be an .asm
file in the same folder.
If you need comment on asm file:
pnpm dev path/to/folderOrFile --comment=true
if you don't need bootstrap code:
pnpm dev path/to/folderOrFile --bootstrap=false
Unit tests are provided to facilitate refactor.
pnpm test
Integration tests should be run against the VM emulator provided by the Nand2Tetris course.
Refer to the Nand2Tetris website and following instruction materials:
- Project 7
- Project 8
The input can be a directory or a file. If it is a directory, the translator will translate all .vm files in the directory. If it is a file, the translator will translate the file.
Only 1 file is generated.
If the input is a directory, the output file will be named after the directory. path/to/dir
will generate dir.asm
If the input is a file, the output file will be named after the file. path/to/file.vm
will generate file.asm
The first character of the file name must be an Uppercase letter.