Sends a Discord embed to the channel of your choice for network monitoring
Install all of the required packages on requirements.txt
# Installing using PIP
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then configure your bot in both your config.js and
token= config["discord_bot_token"]
client = discord.Client()
#Enter your servers here
#[<Name>, <IP>, <Show Player Count (True/False)>, <Force Next Line (True/False)]
servers = [
["Server Name", "", True, False],
["My Other Server", "", False, False],
#Enter your Embed info here
sleep_time = 5 # API caches every 10 minutes anyways...
embedTitle = "My Title"
embedColour = 0xffffff
embedThumbnail = ""
embedFooterIcon = ""
activityServerIndex = 0 #Which index of server for your bots activity
activityTwitchURL = "" #Has to be a valid URL otherwise Discord will silent ignore
"discord_bot_token": "YourTokenHere",
"discord_channel_id": 694206942069420
Run the when you have configured both of the files.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.