Implementation of a weighted, undirected graph with the following classes:
NodeInfo - A private class in WGraph_DS that implements the node_info interface, which is the interface nodes of the weighted, undirected graph.
WGraph_DS - Implementing the weighted_graph interface, which is the graph itselfs.
WGraph_Algo - Implementing the weighted_graph_algorithms interface, which allows performing algorithmic queries about a specific graph.
- a private class which implements the nodes of the graph, who stores a simple key (which is provided), a String of info that the node stores, and a temporary tag. This class supports simple set & get functions in O(1) time complexity.
- Implementing the weighted & undirected graph, with the following data structures:
HashMap _vertices - to store the nodes of the graph.
HashNap _weights - to store the connection and edges between nodes and their weights.
The followig class supports O(1) methods such as:
- getV() - returns all the vertices, in O(1) time complexity.
- getV(node_id) - return all the vertices connected to the a node provided by the node_id
- hasEdge() - checks if 2 nodes are connected in the graph, in O(1) time complexity.
- getEdge() - return the weight of the edge between 2 nodes (if exists)
- addNode() - adds a new node to the graph, in O(1) time complexity.
- conncet() - connects two vertices in the graph by an edge with a provided weight, in O(1) time complexity.
- removeNode() - removes a node from the graph, in O(n) time complexity, when n is the number of vertices in the graph.
- removeEdge() - removes an edge between 2 nodes in the graph in O(1) time complexity.
- The implementation of algorithmic queries about the graph, such as:
- isConnected() - check if the graph is connected, meaning the is a path between every 2 nodes in the graph.
- shortestPath() - returns the shortest path by weight (if exists) between 2 nodes in the graph by preforming the Dijkstra algorithm (view attaches video in links for source)
- shortestPathDist() - returns the distance of the shortest path by weight (if exists) between 2 nodes in the graph by using the shortestPath() function to find the weight of the returned path.
- save() - allows saving the current WGA's graph in a file that can be later loaded back.
- load() - allows loading a graph from a file, and initialize them if loaded successfully to the WGA.