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Mine‐Sweeper Theory

ZERICO2005 edited this page Dec 22, 2023 · 1 revision

Search Pattern Theory

Super-Sweeper doesn't have certain game-modes because they split the game into multiple independent boards. You can see this play out in the "Diagonal" game-mode.

(Super-Sweeper 0.45.0): Imagine the minesweeper grid is a checkerboard with alternating colors, if all the search tiles including the origin tile have the same "checkerboard color" (lets say black), then the game will be split into 2, since it will be impossible for "black" tiles to search "white" tiles and vice versa. This issue effects Diagonal mode, and there is 2 removed patterns with the same problem, with one of the patterns splitting the game into 4 separate games. This mathematical fact is important in considering a new search pattern for Mine-Sweeper.

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