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First completed : June 06, 2024
Last updated : July 04, 2024
Related Topics : Bit Manipulation, Interactive
Acceptance Rate : 90.57 %
As is the nature of someone using python, one-liner = funny haha
* Definition of commonSetBits API.
* int commonSetBits(int num);
int findNumber(){
int x = 1; // I'm assuming that this iteration of C is 32-bit ints
int output = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
if (commonSetBits(x)) {
output += x;
x = x << 2;
return output;
# Definition of commonSetBits API.
# def commonSetBits(num: int) -> int:
class Solution:
def findNumber(self) -> int:
output = 0
current = 1
for i in range(31) :
if commonSetBits(current) :
output += current
current *= 2
return output
# Definition of commonSetBits API.
# def commonSetBits(num: int) -> int:
class Solution:
def findNumber(self) -> int:
return sum([2 << x for x in range(0, 31) if commonSetBits(2 << x)]) + commonSetBits(1)
# Definition of commonSetBits API.
# def commonSetBits(num: int) -> int:
class Solution:
def findNumber(self) -> int:
return sum([2 ** x for x in range(0, 31) if commonSetBits(2 ** x)])