LeetCode Records (559 solved)
My LeetCode Profile: Zanger
This repo is a collection of my LeetCode solutions, primarily written in Python, Java, and C. On any page, click the main title
to be redirected to the official LeetCode
page for the question, topic, list, etc. See the Additional Categories
section for pages that group questions by different criteria -- e.g. by their related topics.
- Daily - Daily challenge questions that were done on the day of
- Weekly Premium - Weekly premium questions that were done on week of
- Contest - Questions that I completed during a live contest
Array, String, Hash Table, Depth-First Search, Tree, Binary Tree, Sorting, Math, Breadth-First Search, Two Pointers, Stack, Dynamic Programming, Matrix, Linked List, Greedy, Simulation, Design, Bit Manipulation, Counting, Binary Search, Backtracking, Heap (Priority Queue), Trie, Database, Prefix Sum, Recursion, Binary Search Tree, Sliding Window, Queue, Graph, Monotonic Stack, Union Find, String Matching, Divide and Conquer, Counting Sort, Hash Function, Shortest Path, Data Stream, Game Theory, Combinatorics, Rolling Hash, Randomized, Ordered Set, Bucket Sort, Geometry, Brainteaser, Memoization, Monotonic Queue, Suffix Array, Doubly-Linked List, Iterator, Number Theory, Interactive, Bitmask, Merge Sort, Topological Sort, Segment Tree, Quickselect, Strongly Connected Component, Probability and Statistics, Binary Indexed Tree, Reservoir Sampling, Radix Sort
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