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The goal of this app is to recreate the "Luach HaMaor Ohr HaChaim" calendar that is widespread in Israel. This calendar is special because Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef ZT"L oversaw it's creation and used the calendar himself until he passed:
In order to recreate the calendar, I needed an API that would give me the times for sunrise and sunset everyday (since all the other zmanim are based on these times). I was recommended the well known KosherJava package, and that is the basis for all of the app's zemanim (time) calculations.
The app can display the zmanim/times in hebrew and english but is primarily made for english speakers.
The only zman/time that could not be computed by the KosherJava API is the sunrise time that the Ohr HaChaim calendar uses. They explain in the calendar introduction that they take the sunrise times from a calendar called, "Luach Bechoray Yosef". That calendar calculates the time for sunrise by taking into account the geography of the land around that area and finding when is the first time the sun is seen in that area (based on the introduction to While not impossible, this would take a massive toll on a mobile phone's processor and memory, therefore, the app does not support it. However, I discovered that the creator of this calendar made a website to help people use his algorithm for sunrise/sunset all over the world and create a 12 month table based on your input. I added the ability to download these times in the app with your own specific parameters. (I highly recommend that you see the introduction on
First view implemented was the daily view of the app:
- For an in-depth explanation on each specific time, please look at the descriptions for each individual time, found in the app-itself.
- For an overall explanation, please visit our organization's ReadME on GitHub.
Since version 6.0, the weekly view of the original calendar has been implemented: