Highly optimized server implementation written in Go for Minecraft 1.21.3
A fast, efficient, and reliable server, with a plugin API and clean code
Packet encryption (AES/CFB8)
Packet compression (Zlib)
Named Binary Tag (NBT)
Text formatting
Chat signing
Chunk encoding and manipulation
Region/Anvil decoding and encoding (temp disabled)
WIP terrain generation
Player movement including metadata
NBT: protocol/nbt
.properties: protocol/properties
text formatting: protocol/text
network and packets: protocol/net
Commands: server/command (server.CommandManager) - can register custom commands
World: server/world (server.World) - can register custom dimensions, modify chunks etc
Registry: server/registry - shared registry constants
Container (inventory): server/container
Player: server/player (Session.Player())
Session: server/session (api) | server/session/std (impl)
: skips plugin loading
: uses memory profiler
: uses cpu profiler
: limits memory usage to amount
, for example: --xmem=1gib
Angel - help with chunk related calculations (0x8D989E86)