This repository implemented the inference of yolo detectors with ONNXRuntime, MNN and TensorRT framework for fast deployment:
model | Github | ONNX | MNN | TensorRT |
YOLOx | | N | Y | N |
YOLOx (mmdet 3.0) | | Y | Y | N |
YOLOv6 | | N | Y | Y |
YOLOv8 | | Y | Y | Y |
YOLOv7-keypoints | | Y | N | N |
YOLOv8-keypoints | | Y | Y | Y |
YOLOv8-sot | | N | N | Y |
- MNN >= 2.0.0
- ONNXRuntime >=1.8.1
- TensorRT >= 8.5
## MNN inference (Yolov8)
cd mnn/yolov8/
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
./yolov8_mnn [demo] [model_path] [dataset] [input] [input_size] [show]
## ONNXRuntime inference
python DEMO MODEL INPUT [--score_thr SCORE_THR] [--nms_thr NMS_THR] [--input_size INPUT_SIZE] [--classes_txt CLASSES_TXT] [--show]
## TensorRT inference
# you may need to modify the TensorRT path in CMakeLists.txt according to your install path
# include_directories(/opt/TensorRT-
# link_directories(/opt/TensorRT-
cd tensorrt/yolov8/
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
./yolov8_trt [demo] [model_path] [dataset] [input] [input_size] [show]
Yolov8-n inference with image using MNN:
/yolov8_mnn image /path/to/yolov8n_coco_640_fp16.mnn coco ../../../assets/bus.jpg 640
# output
detect 6 objects in 51.0658 ms
person: 0.873672 ([669.938, 376.312], [808.312, 877.5])
person: 0.868409 ([47.25, 398.25], [243, 901.125])
bus: 0.862305 ([20.25, 229.5], [796.5, 754.312])
person: 0.819331 ([221.062, 405], [344.25, 855.562])
stop sign: 0.343525 ([0, 253.125], [32.0625, 322.312])
person: 0.3012 ([0, 550.125], [65.8125, 872.438])
Yolov8-n inference with camera using MNN:
./yolov8_mnn stream /path/to/yolov8n_coco_640_fp16.mnn coco 0 640 1
Yolov8-n inference with image using ONNXRuntime
python image /path/to/yolov8n_coco_640.onnx ../assets/bus.jpg --input_size 640
# output
input info: NodeArg(name='images', type='tensor(float)', shape=[1, 3, 640, 640])
output info: NodeArg(name='output0', type='tensor(float)', shape=[1, 84, 8400])
person: 0.875 [670, 376, 809, 878]
person: 0.869 [48, 399, 244, 902]
bus: 0.863 [21, 229, 798, 754]
person: 0.82 [221, 405, 344, 857]
stop sign: 0.346 [0, 254, 32, 325]
person: 0.301 [0, 551, 67, 873]
Yolov8-n inference with camera using ONNXRuntime
python stream /path/to/yolov8n_coco_640.onnx 0 --input_size 640 --show
Yolov8-n inference with image using TensorRT
./yolov8_trt image /path/to/yolov8n_coco_640_fp16.trt coco ../../../assets/bus.jpg 640
# output
detect 6 objects in 386.102 ms
person: 0.875488 ([669.938, 376.312], [808.312, 877.5])
person: 0.868164 ([48.9375, 398.25], [243, 901.125])
bus: 0.862305 ([20.25, 229.5], [796.5, 754.312])
person: 0.820312 ([221.062, 405], [344.25, 855.562])
stop sign: 0.348633 ([0, 253.125], [32.0625, 322.312])
person: 0.301514 ([0, 550.125], [65.8125, 872.438])
Yolov8-n inference with camera using TensorRT
./yolov8_trt stream /path/to/yolov8n_coco_640_fp16.trt coco 0 640 1
Yolov8-n SOT with camera using TensorRT
./yolov8_sot track /path/to/yolov8n_coco_640_fp16.trt coco 0 640
# select your tracking target by clicking the detection bounding box with mouse left button
Yolov8-n SOT with video file using TensorRT
./yolov8_sot track /path/to/yolov8n_coco_640_fp16.trt coco /path/to/video.mp4 640
# select your tracking target by clicking the detection bounding box with mouse left button