Connect speakers to your server and play Internet radio through a PHP interface. Please note that I've abandoned this project and started working on version 2, which is written in Node.JS and PHP.
Copyright 2011, Markus Hedlund, Mimmin AB, Licensed under the MIT License. Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
- Radio
- Volume controller
- PHP 5.3 optimized, well structured and extensible code
- The UI should work on both mobile and desktop
- Create a powerful alarm clock with cron and the CLI
- Linux
- PHP 5.3
- mplayer
First clone this app to your www directory somewhere. A subdirectory is okay.
git clone git://
Your web server needs to be able to play music.
usermod -a -G audio www-data
service apache2 restart
That works for me on Ubuntu. Now you should be able to launch your browser and start playing music.
The file command.php
has a command-line interface. Try it!
But to be able to stop the playback from the UI, we need to launch it as the user your web server is running as.
sudo -u www-data php -f /path/to/command.php play sweden p1
That works for me on Ubuntu. Add this to root
's crontab, and you got yourself an alarm clock.
Do you want to help? Awesome! I'll gladly take all the help I can get, especially more radio stations. You can contact me at [email protected].