You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 98
On this page you will find a list of CMI permissions. Please note you can always use /cmi checkperm to look for a specific permission node. Additionally, if you have access cmi.permisiononerror
you should be able to hover over the error message with your mouse to see the permission node.
A general rule of thumb, if you are trying to give permissions for a command the permission node is almost always cmi.command.<command>
. Therefore, if you cannot find the permission that you are looking for, on this page, give that a test.
Finally, if you are trying to get the permission for a user to type at another user (e.g. /heal ToXiicalhebst) you should add .others
to the end of the permission node. For this example you would use cmi.command.heal.others
cmi.buttonteleport - Allows to teleport to target location when clicking on inventory edit GUI on location icon
cmi.enderedit - Allows to edit ender chest of some one else
cmi.bedhome - Allows to set home location on interaction
cmi.actionbar.colors - Allows to use colors in actionbarmsg command
cmi.bossbar.colors - Allows to use colors in bossbarmsg command
cmi.me.colors - Allows to use colors in me command
cmi.anvil.colors - Allows to use colors when renaming item
cmi.title.colors - Allows to use colors in titlemsg command
cmi.tag.color - Tagged player name gets colorized
cmi.colors.[type].* - Allows all color usage in particular areas
cmi.colors.[type].[colorname] - Allows color usage in particular areas. Types: publicmessage, privatemessage, nickname, signs
cmi.seevanished - Allows to see vanished people
cmi.dynmap.hidden - Hides vanished player from dynmap
cmi.messages.disablelogin - Disables login message
cmi.messages.disablequit - Disables logout message
cmi.scrollpainting - Allows to modify paintings
cmi.autorespawn - Allows to respawn automaticaly
cmi.elytralaunch - Allows to use elytra launch feature
cmi.permisiononerror - Allows to see missing permission on error message
cmi.invedit - Allow to edit players inventory
cmi.book.colors - Allows to colorize books
cmi.damagecontrol.[groupname] - Defines damage multiplier by group
cmi.chorusteleport - Allows to use chorus to teleport around
cmi.teleport.with.[entitytype] - Allows teleportation with defined mount
cmi.fullserver.bypass - Allows to join full server
cmi.signs.shiftedit - Allows to edit signs with shift right click
cmi.signs.shifteditbypass - Allows to edit signs on protected land
cmi.netherportalbypass - Allows nether portal creation when its disabled in config file
cmi.silentchest.editing - Allows to edit chests while in silent open mode
cmi.versioncheck - Allows to see new version message on login
cmi.worldlimit.gamemode.bypass - Allows to bypass game mode limitations by worlds
cmi.worldlimit.fly.bypass - Allows to bypass fly mode limitations by worlds
cmi.worldlimit.god.bypass - Allows to bypass god mode limitations by worlds
cmi.spawners.charge.bypass - Allows to bypass charge limitations
cmi.namehistory - Allows to see previous players names
cmi.inventoryhat - Allows to put block on head from inventory
cmi.kit.[kitname] - Allows to use kit
cmi.kit.bypass.money - Allows to bypass kit money requirement
cmi.kit.bypass.exp - Allows to bypass kit exp requirement
cmi.kit.bypass.time - Allows to bypass kit time limitations
cmi.kit.bypass.onetimeuse - Allows to bypass kit onetimeuse limitations
cmi.spawngroup.[spawngroup] - Defines player individual spawn point
cmi.respawngroup.[respawngroup] - Defines player individual respawn point
cmi.rank.[rankname] - Defines default player rank
cmi.select - Allows to select with selection tool
cmi.chatgroup.[groupnumber] - Defines player custom chat group for public message format
cmi.tablist.[groupnumber] - Defines player custom tab list group
cmi.elytra - Allows to equip elytra
cmi.elytra.boost - Allows to use basic elytra boost. Right click
cmi.elytra.superboost - Allows to use elytra super boost. +Shift click
cmi.elytra.speedometer - Allows to see speedometer while flying with elytra
cmi.anvil.itemrename.bypass - Allows to rename items with black listed names
cmi.anvil.nolimits - Allows repair items without level limitations
cmi.chatfilter.inform - Informs player when some one breaks chat filter rules
cmi.chatfilter.bypass.[groupname] - Allows to bypass particular chat filter group
cmi.commandfilter.bypass - Allows to bypass command spam filter
cmi.chatfilter.spambypass - Allows to bypass chat spam filter
cmi.deathlocation - Allows to see death location after death
cmi.saveinv - Saves player inventory on death to be restored if needed later on
cmi.scheduler.exclude - Excludes player from scheduler random player list
cmi.openshulker - Allows to use shulkerbox as backpack
cmi.openshulker.shift - Allows to open shulkerbox while holding it in hand and shift+right mouse click
cmi.safeteleport - Prevents teleportation to unsafe locations
cmi.safeteleport.bypass.[lava/void/suffocation/unknown/plugin] - Allows to teleport into unsafe location without confirmation
cmi.viewrange - Allows to have custom view range
cmi.viewrange.[range1-15] - Defines custom view range
cmi.dropspawner - Allows for spawner to be dropped after its being broken
cmi.dropspawner.[entitytype] - Allows for spawner to be dropped after its being broken by defined type
cmi.dropspawner.nosilk - Drops spawner without silk touch
cmi.spawners.proximity.bypass - Bypass spawner place range limitations
cmi.spawners.charge.[groupname] - Defines spawner charge group
cmi.keepinventory - Allows to keep inventory after death
cmi.keepexp - Allows to keep exp after death
cmi.informDurability - Player will be informed when durability reaches threshold
cmi.egginteract.[entitytype] - Allows to change spawner by interacting with egg
cmi.placespawner - Allows to place spawner and keep its type
cmi.placespawner.[entitytype] - Allows to place spawner by oarticular type and keep its type
cmi.teleport.bypassblacklist - Allows to bypass protection from teleporting with blacklisted items
cmi.command.[commandname].warmupbypass - Allows to bypass particular CMI command warmup
cmi.command - Gives access to base usage of commands
cmi.command.[commandname].cooldownbypass - Allows to bypass command cooldown
cmi.command.armorstand.[updateitems plate size visible arms gravity glow invulnerable name interactable head body leftarm rightarm leftleg rightleg pos] - Allows to access particular armor stand editor features
cmi.command.sendall.bypass - To bypass sendall command
cmi.command.point.[particletype] - Allows to change particle type
cmi.command.ender.preventmodify - Prevents ender chest modification by some one else
cmi.command.tgod.give - Allows to give tgod for some one else
cmi.command.tfly.give - Allows to give tfly for some one else
cmi.command.spawner.shiftclick - Allows to use spawner set GUI on shift clicking it
cmi.command.spawner.[entitytype] - Allows to change spawner with command to defined type
cmi.command.repair.[hand/armor/all] - Allows to repair specific area
cmi.command.head.othersource - Allows to get head of another player
cmi.command.gm.[gametype] - Allows to change game mode to particular type
cmi.command.replaceblock.speed - Allows to adjust replaceblock speed
cmi.command.scan.speed - Allows to adjust scan speed
cmi.command.fixchunk.speed - Allows to adjust chunk fix speed
cmi.command.enchant.bypasslimit - Allows to bypass enchant limitations
cmi.command.attachcommand.cc - Allows to attach console command to item
cmi.command.[commandname].others - Allows to perform command on another player
cmi.command.[commandname].others.[extra] - Allows to perform command on another player
cmi.command.msg.vanish - Allows to send private messages to vanished players
cmi.command.bossbarmsg.admin - Allows to use commands in bossbar automated messages
cmi.command.patrol.bypass - Player with permission will not be included into patrol list
cmi.command.afk.auto - Places player into afk mode autoamticaly
cmi.command.afk.kickbypass - Prevents player from being kicked out of server when afk mode triggers event
cmi.command.invcheck.edit - Allows to edit saved inventory
cmi.command.warp.[warpname] - Allows to use particular warp if warp requires permission node
cmi.command.counter.autojoin - Players will automaticaly join counter group on server join
cmi.command.tpa.warmupbypass - Allows to bypass tpa command warmup
cmi.command.tpahere.warmupbypass - Allows to bypass tpahere command warmup
cmi.command.home.bypassprivate - Allows to teleport to private another player home location
cmi.command.sethome.unlimited - Allows to have unlimited amount of homes
cmi.command.sethome.[anypositivenumber] - Allows to have defined amount of homes
cmi.command.sethome.overwrite - Allows to overwrite existing home location
cmi.command.glow.[colorname] - Allows to change glow color
cmi.command.walkspeed.[range0-10] - Defines max walkspeed player can set
cmi.command.tptoggle.bypass - Allows teleportation to players with disabled teleportations
cmi.command.sudo.bypass - Prevents player from using sudo on player with permission
cmi.command.repair.repairshare.bypass - Allows to bypass repair share being applied on item
cmi.command.nick.bypassblacklist - Allows to bypass nick name black list
cmi.command.nick.bypass.length - Allows to bypass nick name lenght limitations
cmi.command.nick.bypassinuse - Allows to bypass limitationn in using already existing name
cmi.command.nick.different - Allows to set nick name to different one than original
cmi.command.msg.clean - Allows to send clean messages to player by using ! at beginning
cmi.command.ignore.bypass - Allows to perform commands on who ignores you
cmi.command.silence.bypass - Allows to send messages who is in silence mode
cmi.command.more.oversize - Allows to get oversized stacks
cmi.command.list.admin - Places player into admin group in list
cmi.command.list.staff - Places player into staff group in list
cmi.command.list.hidden - Allows to see hidden players in player list
cmi.command.list.group.[groupnumber] - Assigns player to defined group
cmi.command.lfix.admin - Allows to fix light in area bigger than you can see
cmi.command.commandspy.hide - Hides performed commands from commandspy
cmi.command.mute.bypass - Bypass personal public chat mute
cmi.command.mutechat.bypass - Bypass public chat mute
cmi.command.money.admin - Allows to manipulate player balance
cmi.command.money.betweenworldgroups - Allows money transfer between worlds
cmi.command.pweather - Controls player weather
cmi.command.weather - Controls server weather
cmi.command.time.edit - Allows to manipulate time
cmi.command.inv.preventmodify - Prevent inventory modifications by others
cmi.command.back.ondeath - Allows returning to death location by using back command after death
cmi.command.flightcharge.admin - Allows to edit flight charges for players
cmi.command.kick.bypass - Prevent player from being kicked from server
cmi.command.ride.[entitytype] - Allow to ride entity
cmi.command.sit.stairs - Allows to sit on stairs automaticaly
cmi.command.maintenance.bypass - Allows to bypass maintenance mode
cmi.command.alert.inform - Player will get notification on player join with alert
cmi.command.fly.safelogin - Safely lands player after relog if he is in air
cmi.command.cuff.bypass - Allows command usage while cuffed
cmi.command.silent - Allows to use -s variable in commands to avoid sending feedback messages to target player
cmi.command.ban.bypass - Prevents player from being banned
cmi.command.tempban.max.unlimited - Allows to temp ban for more than config allows
cmi.command.tempban.max.[anypositivenumber] - Allows to temp ban for defined max time
cmi.command.broadcast.colors - Allows to use colors in broadcast messages
cmi.command.charges.edit - Allows to edit players spawner charges
cmi.command.checkaccount.showip - Allows to see players ip in check account
cmi.command.info.ip - Allows to see players ip in info page
cmi.command.info.deathlocation - Allows to see death location in info page
cmi.command.clearchat.bypass - Players chat with permission will not be cleared
cmi.command.counter.force - Allows to force counter message on surrounding players
cmi.command.counter.time - Allows to change counter default time
cmi.command.counter.range - Allows to change counter default range
cmi.command.counter.msg - Allows to change counter default message
cmi.command.ctext.[ctextname] - Allows to see defined custom message
cmi.command.flyspeed.[range1-10] - Defines max flight speed player can set