This repository contains code to train and evaluate models against adversarially chosen rotations and translations. It can be used to reproduce the main experiments of:
Invariance-inducing regularization using worst-case transformations suffices to boost accuracy and spatial robustness
Fanny Yang, Zuowen Wang and Christina Heinze-Deml
The code is based on
The main scipts to run are
, which will train and
evaluate a model respectively.
only supports groups of size 2 for now.
Different training options are included in the folder configs
A template is annotated below.
"model": {
"output_dir": "output/cifar10",
"pad_mode": "constant",
"model_family": "resnet",
"resnet_depth_n": 5,
"filters": [16, 16, 32, 64],
"pad_size": 32,
"n_classes": 10,
"use_reg": true #true if we use regularization
"training": {
"tf_random_seed": 1,
"np_random_seed": 1,
"max_num_training_steps": 80000,
"num_output_steps": 5000,
"num_summary_steps": 5000,
"num_easyeval_steps": 5000,
"num_eval_steps": 80000,
"num_checkpoint_steps": 5000,
"num_ids": 64, #annotated as b
"batch_size": 128, #can be b, 2b or 3b
"lr" : 0.1,
"step_size_schedule": [[0, 0.1], [40000, 0.01], [60000, 0.001]],
"momentum": 0.9,
"weight_decay": 0.0002,
"eval_during_training": true,
"adversarial_training": true,
"adversarial_ce": false, # set to true if only adversarial examples are used for cross-entropy
"nat_ce": false, # set to true if only original examples are used for cross-entropy
"data_augmentation": true,false,
"group_size": 2,
"lambda_": 1 #the coefficient of the regularizer
"eval": {
"num_eval_examples": 10000,
"batch_size": 128,
"adversarial_eval": true
#defense mechanism
"defense": {
"reg_type": "kl",
"cce_adv_exp_wrt": "cce", # adversarial examples used for cross-entropy are generated w.r.t
"reg_adv_exp_wrt": "kl", # adversarial examples used for regularizer are generated w.r.t
"use_linf": false,
"use_spatial": true,
"only_rotation": false,
"only_translation": false,
"loss_function": "xent",
"epsilon": 8.0,
"num_steps": 5,
"step_size": 2.0,
"random_start": false,
"spatial_method": "random",
"spatial_limits": [3, 3, 30],
"random_tries": 10,
"grid_granularity": [5, 5, 31]
#attack policy (for evaluation)
"attack": {
"use_linf": false,
"use_spatial": true,
"only_rotation": false,
"only_translation": false,
"loss_function": "xent",
"epsilon": 8.0,
"num_steps": 5,
"step_size": 2.0,
"random_start": false,
"spatial_limits": [3, 3, 30],
"random_tries": 10,
"grid_granularity": [5, 5, 31]
"data": {
"dataset_name": "cifar-10",
"data_path": "./datasets/cifar10"
Run with a particular config file
python --config PATH/TO/FILE
By default data augmentation only includes random left-right flips. Standard CIFAR10
augmentation (+-4 pixel crops) can be achieved by setting
adversarial_training: true
, spatial_method: random
, random_tries: 1
spatial_limits: [4, 4, 0]
python --config ./configs/std.json
for standard training (std) with only translation as data augmentation
python --config ./configs/std_star.json
for training (std*) with translation and rotation as data augmentation
Set use_reg = false
in the configuration file.
See configs/at_rob_wo_10.json
for an example.
We can use solely original images for the cross-entropy part of the loss function.
To achieve that, set nat_ce = true, adversarial_ce = false
in the configuration file.
Accordingly, nat_ce = false, adversarial_ce = true
and nat_ce = false, adversarial_ce = false
correspond to "rob" and "mix" in the
paper respectively. For "nat" we only use the original examples for the cross-entropy and for "mix" we use both original
and adversarial examples.
Regardless loss function, we can generate adversarial examples, which can be used independently for either cross-entropy or regularizer, with respect to different functions.
To achieve this, we need to configure cce_adv_exp_wrt
and reg_adv_exp_wrt
For instance, to conduct training in the same way as adversarial logit pairing (ALP) [1],
we set both cce_adv_exp_wrt
and reg_adv_exp_wrt
to cce
. Then the adversarial
examples which entering the regularizer will be generated w.r.t. cross-entropy.
Note: if cce_adv_exp_wrt != reg_adv_exp_wrt
and using a mixed batch for cross-entropy, we need to set
batch_size == 3 * num_ids
, since we need two sets of different adversarial examples for
cross-entropy and regularizer respectively.
Please refer to configs/l2_mix_wo_10.json
[1] Harini Kannan, Alexey Kurakin, and Ian Goodfellow. Adversarial Logit Pairing. arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.06373, 2018.