Used on Mac OS X Sierra 10.12.3
- Vagrant version 1.9.1
- Virtual Box version 5.1.12
The official Centos7 Vagrant Box does not come with virtualbox Guest Addtions installed.
There is a Vagrant Plugin however which will automatically do this for you. Run command:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
Note that the Vagrant up process will ask you to choose a Network interface to use to obtain an external IP
vagrant up
This installs and configures Gitlab as recommeded by GitLab instructions shown on this page:
Once installed an configured, you need to find the external IP for you Vagrant VM and go to the GitLab Login Page in a browser.
http://your vm ip/
Note that by default only an HTTP interface is enabled.
At the Login page you will be asked for the root account password you would like to set.