C++ Implementation of Mangaloid instances.
To compile this instance, you will need the Drogon HTTP application framework. You will also need its dependency libraries.
Furthermore, you need the Meson build system, CMake, the MagickWand ImageMagick C API, Botan, and the fmt C++20 formatting library.
#generate the database (optional)
sqlite3 database.db < schema.sql
meson build
ninja -C build
Read config.json for instructions on how to configure your instance.
NOTE: schema.sql comes with debug data
POST /mod/login
takes a json object with the fields "name" and "pass" as argument, and returns a JSESSIONID cookie.
POST /mod/manga
, DELETE /mod/manga
, and PUT /mod/manga
take a manga encoded as a json object.
POST /mod/chapter
, DELETE /mod/chapter
, and PUT /mod/chapter
take a chapter encoded as a json object.