go to changes
[LINUX or Raspberry Pi]
Make sure you have recording and python installed
$ sudo apt-get install libav-tools portaudio19-dev python-setuptools python-pip
Install pyvona and its dependencies
$ sudo pip install pyvona requests pygame
Install virtualenv
$ sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
[optional](see Usage)
Download and Install wolframAlpha python library
$ sudo python setup.py build
$ sudo python setup.py
Create a virtual environment and install wolframalpha (if you didn't before) and pyramid.
$ mkdir venv
$ export VENV=path-to-your-dir/venv
$ virtualenv --system-site-packages $VENV
$ . $VENV/bin/activate
(venv) $ $VENV/bin/pip install wolframalpha
(venv) $ $VENV/bin/pip install "pyramid==1.7.3"
(venv) $ $VENV/bin/pip install python-socketio
(venv) $ $VENV/bin/pip install eventlet
(venv) $ $VENV/bin/pip install lxml
(venv) $ $VENV/bin/pip install geopy
> mkdir venv
> SET VENV=path-to-your-dir\venv
> python -m virtualenv --system-site-packages %VENV%
> %VENV%\Scripts\activate
(venv) > %VENV%\Scripts\pip install wolframalpha
(venv) > %VENV%\Scripts\pip install "pyramid==1.7.3"
(venv) > %VENV%\Scripts\pip install python-socketio
(venv) > %VENV%\Scripts\pip install eventlet
(venv) > %VENV%\Scripts\pip install lxml
(venv) > %VENV%\Scripts\pip install geopy
If you can't install lxml using the above command, in windows, try downloading the lxml-3.7.2-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl, copy it to the project root and run %VENV%\Scripts\pip install lxml-3.7.2-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl
Get an WolframAlpha API APP-ID
Get an IFTTT maker key just press connect and go to settings the url there should have the key https://maker.ifttt.com/use/KEY-IS-HERE
Get an IVONA Speech Cloud Account and generate credentials: Access and Secret Key
Create configuration file config.cfg
inside the config/
ifttt_key = IFTTT-KEYHERE
access_key = IVONA_ACCESS_KEY
secret_key = IVONA_SECRET_KEY
Not necessary at the moment, there are working API keys in the current config already!
Edit the bot configuration file bot_config.json
inside the config/
"triggers": ['dude', 'hey dude', 'hey mate', 'ok dude', 'okay dude'],
"greetings": ["Sire?", "One is glad to be of service!", "How can I help?", "What is it!?! Can't you see I'm busy?", "WHAT???"],
"commands": {
"ping": { "triggers": [ "ping" ] },
"play song on android": { "triggers": [ "play song on android", "play song in android", "play song android", "play android song" ] },
"question": { "triggers": [ "question" ] }
"voice": {"voice_name": "Brian", "language": "en-GB", "gender": "Male"}
- triggers: the triggers that "wake" the bot (words you say so that the bot know you want to execute a command)
- grettings: the bot responses to being woken
- commands: the commands that the bot will execute
- voice: the voice configuration from ivona
Before running check your pyOpenSSL version. It needs to be >= 0.14.
Run this to check the version:
$ python -c 'import OpenSSL; print(OpenSSL.__version__)'
Run this to update it:
(venv) $ $VENV/bin/pip install -U pyOpenSSL
In Windows:
> python -m pip install -U pyOpenSSL
(venv) $ $VENV/bin/python api_dudebot.py
In Windows:
(venv) > %VENV%\Scripts\python api_dudebot.py
The app will start listening on port: 8080
Open the browser into localhost:8080 and you should see the bot.
Read the site README to know how to interact with the bot.
(venv) $ deactivate
Run in Google Chrome has this uses Speech Recognition API
and currently only Chrome and Opera have partial support for it.