A magic dictionary which never raises KeyError but creates non-existent
items as they are requested. By default newly created items in this way are
an empty instance of AwesomeDict
, but that can be set with set_defaults
The instances also have a filter
method which can filter based on
a regular expression matched against the key or value. A default regex for
filter can be set with set_filter
pip install awesomedict
from awesomedict import AwesomeDict
import json
# create a default order
mdorder = AwesomeDict().set_defaults(
'^price$': 0,
'_address$': 'No such street, PO 000'
}).set_defaults({'^items$': []}, do_copy=True)
md = AwesomeDict().set_defaults(
{'^[0-9]+$': mdorder}, do_copy=True).set_filter('^!')
md['customers']['foo'][1]['price'] = 15
md['customers']['foo'][1]['shipping_address'] = 'FOO street'
md['customers']['foo'][1]['billing_address'] = 'FOO office'
md['customers']['foo'][1]['!notes'] = 'important notes'
md['customers']['foo'][2] # use all defaults
md['customers']['!important customer'][1]['price'] = 25 # use default address
md['customers']['!important customer'][1]['items'].append('pen')
print(json.dumps(md, default=lambda o: o.data, indent=2))
print('\n-----important only:-----\n')
print(json.dumps(md.filter(), default=lambda o: o.data, indent=2))
print('\n-----items only:-----\n')
print(json.dumps(md.filter('^items$'), default=lambda o: o.data, indent=2))
$ python demo.py
"customers": {
"foo": {
"1": {
"items": [
"price": 15,
"shipping_address": "FOO street",
"billing_address": "FOO office",
"!notes": "important notes"
"2": {
"items": [],
"price": 0,
"shipping_address": "No such street, PO 000",
"billing_address": "No such street, PO 000"
"!important customer": {
"1": {
"items": [
"price": 25,
"shipping_address": "No such street, PO 000",
"billing_address": "No such street, PO 000"
-----important only:-----
"customers": {
"foo": {
"1": {
"!notes": "important notes"
"!important customer": {
"1": {
"items": [
"price": 25,
"shipping_address": "No such street, PO 000",
"billing_address": "No such street, PO 000"
-----items only:-----
"customers": {
"foo": {
"1": {
"items": [
"2": {
"items": []
"!important customer": {
"1": {
"items": [