This is an example, feel free to drop it and customize as you need.
You need to have the following software installed on your local development environment: Git , Docker and Docker Compose
The project ships with default configuration in the runner.yml.dist
file. This
file is configured to run the website on the provided docker containers. If you
are happy using those, you can skip directly to the
installing the project section. You can customize
the default configuration by copying runner.yml.dist
to runner.yml
changing for example the connection details for your database server and
selenium server.
By default, docker-compose reads two files, a docker-compose.yml
and an
optional docker-compose.override.yml
file. By convention, the
contains your base configuration, and it is committed to
the repository. This file contains a webserver, a mysql server and a selenium
server. It very closely matches the environment the website is deployed on.
The override file, as its name implies, can contain configuration overrides for existing services, or it can add entirely new services. This file is never committed to the repository.
You can shorten the commands listed below by setting an alias in your .bashrc
alias dcup="docker-compose up -d"
alias dcweb="docker-compose exec web"
# Run composer install in the web service.
dcweb composer install
# Build your development instance of the website.
dcweb ./vendor/bin/run toolkit:build-dev
# Perform a clean installation of the website.
dcweb ./vendor/bin/run toolkit:install-clean
# Perform a clone installation with production data.
dcweb ./vendor/bin/run toolkit:install-clone
# Get the uri to start working on the browser.
dcweb ./vendor/bin/drush uli --uri=http://localhost:8080/web/
Using default configuration your Drupal site will be available locally at:
- does not support EU Login
- no http auth by default
NOTE: If Cloud9 is used for the project development, when setting up a project there it will be available at either:
- https://|your-c9-username|
- supports EU Login
- http auth by default (request credentials with a teammember)
- https://|aws-machine-id|
- does not support EU Login
- protected by C9 session
# Run coding standard checks.
dcweb ./vendor/bin/run toolkit:test-phpcs
# Run behat tests on a clean installation.
dcweb ./vendor/bin/run toolkit:test-behat
# Run behat tests on a clone installation.
dcweb ./vendor/bin/run toolkit:test-behat -D "behat.tags=@clone"
When having a conflict on the composer.lock file it is best to solve the conflict manually and then update the lock file.
dcweb composer update --lock