Tournament planner and scheduler
This web application will take as input :
- An event details (name, date...)
- A list of teams that will participate in the said event
- A list of available grounds where to play
Then the user will create the first phase of the game, with two possible rules :
- Round-robin : each team plays against each other team in the same pool
- Brackets : each team plays another one; each winner play another winner, and so on...
Once given the teams, grounds and number of pools (group of teams), the application will:
- Automatically dispatch the teams into pools
- Let the user fine tune manually this dispatch
- Provide a printable schedule
- Provide printable game sheets ready to be filled
- Enable the user to type in results
- Provide printable rankings
Once the first phase is over, the user can create another one (and so on...).
- Ability to add games manually
- Ability to remove games manually
- Ability to order teams
- Dispatch by order
- Install docker
- Download and run the application :
$ docker run -d --name kyjoukan -p 8043:80 -e APP_ENV=prod abienvenu/kyjoukan
- Point your browser to http://localhost:8043/
- v0.6.1 : Removed footer, space is important
- v0.6 : Upgrade to Symfony 3.4, spreading of teams across grounds
- v0.5 : Improved warning display + shuffling bugfixes
- v0.4 : Added the "Cumulative Ranking" rule
- v0.3 : Do not call remote CDN, so that Kyjoukan can work without Internet access
- v0.2 : Dockerization
- v0.1 : First working version