Casper Two is a port of the Casper, the default personal blogging theme for Ghost. While a legacy version (v1.x) has already been ported to Hugo years ago, it is incompatible with the recent 2.x version. So I ended up porting this new Casper version.
- sample site - github pages
Inside the folder of your Hugo site run:
$ cd themes
$ git clone casper-two
For more information read the official setup guide of Hugo.
The following hugo.toml
is used for the demo site.
baseurl = "/"
theme = "casper-two"
languageCode = "en-US"
paginate = 6
#SectionPagesMenu = "main"
title = "Hugo Casper Two"
subtitle = "Port of Casper 2.x for Hugo"
cover = "img/blog-cover.jpg"
description = "Here is a description of your site."
metaDescription = ""
customCSS = []
RSSLink = ""
twitterName = "faketryghost"
fbName = "fakeghost"
githubName = "eueung"
logo = "hugo-logo.png"
orgName = "EM"
orgWebsite = ""
orgDescription = "Here is a description placeholder for your org"
author = "EM"
authorAvatar = "img/ghost-icon.png"
authorLocation = "Bandung, ID"
authorWebsite = ""
authorDescription = "Describe yourself.."
pageNotFoundTitle = "404 - Page not found"
#casper or caspertwo
singleViewStyle = "casper"
shortname = ""
id = ''
post = "/:slug/"
name = "Home"
url = "/"
weight = 200
name = "Go"
url = "/tags/golang/"
weight = 100
name = "Food"
url = "/categories/food/"
weight = 99
name = "External"
url = ""
weight = 95
Sample content structure is given in the exampleSite
folder. Have fun!
This theme is released under the MIT license. For more information read the License.