Force matching code. Supports input from Gromacs and Lammps. Not tested for input NAMD simulations. Outputs Lammps tabular potentials and input files. Also can be used for topology reduction in coarse-graining.
- Taking an all-atom trajectory and mapping it to a coarse-grained trajectory with CG-sites defined using Charmm/VMD-style selection strings
- Using forces from an all-atom trajectory and creating a force-field that matches those forces
- Writing out a force-field to a lammps-style tabulated potential
- Python2.7
- scipy/numpy
- MDAnalysis (development branch)
- MPI4Py (for parallel force-matching)
- matplotlib (for plotting)
First install the development branch of MDAnalysis
git clone mdanalysis
cd mdanalysis
git checkout develop
cd package
python install --user
Next install ForcePy
cd ../../
git clone ForcePy
cd ForcePy
python install --user
If you see a long list of errors, check the first few. If it says it
can't find arrayobject.h
, then your numpy headers are not being
found. If you're in the Voth group and using the Enthought python
distribution, try adding this line to your ~/.profile
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/local/include:/Library/Frameworks/EPD64.framework/Versions/7.2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include:$C_INCLUDE_PATH
The ForcePy module can be used to coarse-grained a trajectory. In this example, we'll convert an all-atom water simulation to a 2-site water model.
The first step is to import the necessary libraries:
from MDAnalysis import Universe
from ForcePy import *
Next, we load the fine-grained trajectory. The first file
is the structure (pdb
, tpr
, gro
, or psf
) and the
second file is the trajectory. Note that the tpr
file reader depends highly
on what version of gromacs with which the tpr
file was created. See the
help page
about the tpr
file format support in MDAnalysis. The code to load the
fine-grained trajectory is:
fine_uni = Universe("foo.tpr", "foo.trr")
fine_uni.trajectory.periodic = True #NOTE: You MUST set this flag yourself, since there is no indication in the TPR files
Now we create a coarse-grained trajectory using the fine-grained trajectory as an input:
coarse_uni =CGUniverse(fine_uni, selections=['name OW', 'name HW1 or name HW2'],
names=['O', 'H2'],
The selections
variable is an array of strings. Each string is a
Charmm atom selection string. Note, these are very similar to VMD
selection string. You may test them out using the following snippet::
selected_atoms = fine_uni.selectAtoms('name OW')
for a in selected_atoms:
print a
In the example above water oxygen is the first string and water hydrogens
are the second string. The next variable, names
, is optional and is
the array of names to be given to the selections. It is an array of
strings the same length as selections
. If names
is not given, then
the atoms in the resulting coarse-grained trajectory will have numbers
as their names. The last variable, collapse_hydrogens
, can be True
or False
. If it's True
, then all hydrogens will automatically be
included in neighboring atoms which are selected. So, for example, if
you select a carbon, all its hydrogens will be included. Its default
is False
Now that you have a coarse-grained trajectory, you may write out the structure or trajectory using the following syntax:
coarse_uni.write_structure("cg_foo.pdb", bonds='all')
The coarse-grained trajectory is also a valid MDAnalysis object and you may perform any analysis techniques on it from the MDAnalysis package.
Bonding information isn't always included in pdb files. To add a bond manually, use this line of code:
add_residue_bonds(coarse_uni, 'name O', 'name H2')
This will bond all atoms named O
with all atoms named H2
each residue. To add bonds between residues, use this line of code:
add_sequential_bonds(coarse_uni, 'name C', 'name N')
The two selection strings will be the bonded parts of each residue.
Here are some examples of coarse-graining a protein with increasingly more coarse models
from MDAnalysis import Universe
from ForcePy import *
protein_file = 'foo.pdb'
fine_uni = Universe(protein_file)
cgu_1 = CGUniverse(fine_uni, ['name O or C', 'name N or name CA', '((not name C) and (not name O)) and ((not name n) and (not name CA))'], ['O', 'CA', 'S'], collapse_hydrogens=True)
add_residue_bonds(cgu_1, 'name O', 'name CA')
add_residue_bonds(cgu_1, 'name CA', 'name S')
add_sequential_bonds(cgu_1, 'name CA', 'name CA')
write_structure(cgu_1, 'cg_1.pdb', bonds='all')
The first bead is the carbonyl group, the second is the C-alpha and nitrogen, and the final is the side-chain.
cgu_2 = CGUniverse(fine_uni, ['all'])
write_structure(cgu_2, 'cgu_2.pdb', bonds='all')
This is much simpler. The names are omitted for the beads and it is
not necessary to pass selection strings to add_sequential_bonds()
since there is only one atom in each residue.
Finally, here is how to put multiple residues into single beads. An
array must be passed to the CGUniverse constructor which has a length
of the desired number of beads and the array contains arrays of
indices corresponding to the fine-grain residue indices. For example,
to put residues 1,2,3
into a bead and residues 4,5
into another
bead this array will accomplish that: [[1,2,3], [4,5]]
. Here is a
complete example of reducing every three residues into one bead:
protein_length = len(fine_uni.residues)
reduction_map = [[3 * x, 3 * x + 1, 3 * x + 2] for x in range(protein_length / 3)]
cgu_3 = CGUniverse(fine_uni, ['all'],
write_structure(cgu_3, 'cgu_3.pdb', bonds='all')
Let's use again the example of 2-site water. If the original all-atom trajectory had forces, then we may use this file for force-matching.
from MDAnalysis import Universe
from ForcePy import *
import pickle
fgu = Universe('topol.tpr', 'traj.trr')
fgu.trajectory.periodic = True #NOTE: You MUST set this flag yourself, since there is no indication in the TPR files
cgu = CGUniverse(fgu, ['name OW', 'name HW1 or name HW2'], ['O', 'H2'], False)
add_residue_bonds(cgu, 'name O', 'name H2')
fm = ForceMatch(cgu)
At this point, we have a ForeMatch
object which contains the
coarse-grained universe. Now we need to set-up the force field which
will be force-matched to fit the coarse-grained trajectory forces
(which themselves came from the all-atom trajectory).
ff = FileForce() #This just says the forces are found in the universe passed to the ForceMatch object
#Set this force as the reference force to be matched
pair_mesh = Mesh.UniformMesh(0,12,0.05) #This is the mesh on which the force-field will be built. It is in Angstroms
pairwise_force = SpectralForce(Pairwise, pair_mesh, Basis.UnitStep)
#Copy this force type and clone it for each pair-interaction type
#This is a harmonic bond that will be fixed to the energy minimum of the bonds with a harmonic constant of 500 kJ/mol
bond_force = FixedHarmonicForce(Bond, 500, cutoff=1)
At this point, can now force match. To do it in serial:
You may also pass an iterations
argument to use less than the entire
trajectory. To do it in parallel (note you must have started using
mpirun, mpiexec, or aprun depending on your MPI environment)
One thing about MPI runs is that it's much faster to pre-compute all the trajectory mapping at the beginning so that it isn't repeated on each node. This may be done by changing a line:
cgu = CGUniverse(fgu, ['name OW', 'name HW1 or name HW2'], ['O', 'H2'], False)
#this will precompute the cg trajectory at every frame; this may take some time
cgu = cgu.cache()
Finally, to write out the a set of lammps scripts to use the new force field, run
The main class to utilize is a ForceMatch
class. This class takes in
one or more reference Force
objects that define the forces to
match. For example, a FileForce
will read in forces from a file. The
class also takes one or more target Force
which are the functional forms that are going to match the reference
forces. Some Force
objects contain a static class variable that
points to a ForceCategory
that contains useful
methods/variables. For example, the Pairwise
contains a
neighborlist implementation.
Regularizers may be added to force objects as well by calling the
The SpectralForce
is a linear combination of basis functions. This
is usually a good choice. The SpectralForce
requires a mesh and
basis function. Currently only UniformMesh
is implemented. For the
basis functions, UnitStep
, Quartic
, and Gaussian
A given Force
may be 'specialized' to work on only a certain type or
type pair. This may be done by calling specialize_type
before it is
added to a ForceMatch
In order to simplify constructing potentials for many type pairs,
there are utility functions on the ForceMatch class to construct all
possible pairs. add_and_type_pairs
copies a force as many times as
needed to have a unique force for every possible pair-pair
Under Construction
The target forcefield/potential may be modified to reproduce some observable parameter. The observable should be in a tabular file containing the total energy of the system at each frame in Column
- Columns 2 and beyond should be the deviation of the observable. The algorithm will try to minimize the observable. The observable under the new forcefied will be sum_i O_i * exp(-(U' - U) * beta), where U' is the new potential. The gradient at each frame will be -beta * U' * exp(-(U' - U) * beta). The meshes implment integrated forms for working with potentials. This gradient, by the way, depends on the current potential correct since the derivative of the normalization constant changes.
- Uniform mesh
- UnitStep
- Quartic
- Gaussian
- FileForce
- LammpsFileForce
- SpectralPairwiseForce
- AnalyticForce
- LJForce
- FixedHarmonicForce
- SmoothRegularizer
- L2Regularizer