This solultion will provide an extensible and highly configuralbe discrete event simulator. The current implementation of different simulators are supposed to realize a simulation for wireless sensor networks in a 3D environment.
The provided simulation models are shown in the following list. The checked models are basically runnalbe or under development
- scene model
- network model
- antenna model
- channel model (radio channel)
- device model
- communication model
- energy model
To work with this repository you need
- at least .NET Core 2.1 to build and run the web-application
- all other assemblies are of the project type .NET Standard 2.0 to ensure max. compatibility.
The project can be developed with
- at least Visual Studio 2017 or with
- Visual Studio Code. In this case there are some extensions like C# required.
- The web-application is build and tested under Windows, Linux and Mac.
- To start the system locally (in your IDE), just hit the run or debug button and your browser should open the home-page.
- To host the application we recommend to use a web-server like IIS or nginx as a reverse proxy and install the kestrel server behind the public web-server. For more information take a look into the Microsoft-Docs
I want to thank all collaborators and the Fraunhofer IWU for the support on this project. 🍻 🍻