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zhengy09 committed Aug 17, 2019
0 parents commit 09be4e1
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# Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization
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121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions SOSexampelYalmip.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% A demo for the SOS matrix decompsotion
% and Correlative Sparsity tehcnique
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Details can be found in the following papers
% [1] Zheng, Y., Fantuzzi, G., & Papachristodoulou, A. (2018).
% Sparse sum-of-squares (SOS) optimization: A bridge between DSOS/SDSOS
% and SOS optimization for sparse polynomials. arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.05463.
% [2] Zheng, Y., Fantuzzi, G., & Papachristodoulou, A. (2018, December).
% Decomposition and completion of sum-of-squares matrices.
% In 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (pp. 4026-4031). IEEE.

% -----------------------------------------------------------
% How to use this file
% -----------------------------------------------------------

% For the correlative sparsity tehcnique, we adapted the csp option in YALMIP,
% where we mainly changed the function sos/corrsparsity.m
% You can copy corrsparsity.m and cliquesFromSpMatD.m to the folder of
% /modules/sos, and replace the orginal corrsparsity.m

% -----------------------------------------------------------
% Before you run this file, some further instructions
% -----------------------------------------------------------

% Method 1 is the standard SOS approach:
% Method 2 is based on SOS matrix decompsotion; See [1] for details
% Method 3 is based on the correlative sparsity tehcnique
% See [2] for a comparsion with DSOS/SDSOS techniques

% Note that
% 1) Methods 2 & 3 are equivalent and are in general more conservative than Method 1
% 2) Methods 2 & 3 are much more scalable than Method 1 for sparse instances
% See [1],[2] for more numerical examples

% This script may take around 2 minutes to run, depending on your machine,
% But you can always change the matrix dimension


%Num = 10:5:40; % matrix dimension
Num = 20:5:40;
ResultLower = zeros(length(Num),3); % Matrix - orignal; Matrix decomposition; Scalar-csp
ResultTime = zeros(length(Num),3);

for Index = 1:length(Num)

N = Num(Index);
n = 2; % number of variables in each polynomial
degree = 2; % degree of each polynomial

%% generate data
x = sdpvar(n,1); % polynomial variables
Lower = sdpvar(1,1); % decision variables
mBasis = monolist(x,degree/2);

N1 = length(mBasis);
tmp = rand(N1);
tmp = tmp*tmp'; % PSD matrix
P = mBasis'*tmp*mBasis;
for i = 2:N
tmp = rand(N1);
tmp = tmp*tmp'; % PSD matrix
P = blkdiag(P,mBasis'*tmp*mBasis);

for i = 2:N
P(1,i) = rand(1,N1)*mBasis;
P(i,1) = P(1,i);

%% Method 1: Matrix-original
opts = sdpsettings('solver','mosek');
%opts = sdpsettings('solver','sedumi');
F = sos(P+Lower*eye(N));
[sol,v,Q] = solvesos(F,Lower,opts);

%% method 2: based on decomposition
% see the paper:

Lower1 = sdpvar(1,1);
Pi = cell(N-1,1);
for i = 1:N-1
Pi{i} = sdpvar(2);
Pi{i}(1,2) = P(1,i+1);Pi{i}(2,1) = Pi{i}(1,2); Pi{i}(2,2) = P(i+1,i+1) + Lower1;
Pi{i}(1,1) = polynomial(x,degree);

% constraint
F = [];
tmp = 0;
for i = 1:N-1
tmp = tmp + Pi{i}(1,1);
F = [F, sos(Pi{i})];
F = [F, coefficients(tmp-P(1,1)-Lower1,mBasis) == 0];
[sol1,v,Q] = solvesos(F,Lower1,opts);

%% method 3: converted into scalar polynomials
% and exploit the correlative sparsity technique
% see the paper: for a comparsion with DSOS/SDSOS techniques

z = sdpvar(N,1);
Lower3 = sdpvar(1,1);
P3 = z'*P*z+Lower3*z'*z;
F = sos(P3);
opts.sos.csp = 1; % only this part matters; correlative sparsity pattern
[sol3,v3,Q3] = solvesos(F,Lower3,opts);

ResultLower(Index,:) = [value(Lower),value(Lower1),value(Lower3)];
ResultTime(Index,:)= [sol.solvertime,sol1.solvertime,sol3.solvertime];

h1 = plot(Num,ResultTime(:,1),'linewidth',2); hold on;
h2 = plot(Num,ResultTime(:,2),'linewidth',2);
h3 = plot(Num,ResultTime(:,3),'linewidth',2);
xlabel('Matrix dimension');ylabel('Time consumption');
legend([h1,h2,h3],'Standard SOS','SOS matrix decompostion', 'Correlative sparsity technique');
box off;

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