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Merge pull request #46 from affeldt-aist/monae_hb
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affeldt-aist authored Jun 25, 2021
2 parents 645ff82 + 687674e commit a5b52f4
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Showing 42 changed files with 4,880 additions and 4,956 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ in several examples of monadic equational reasoning.
- [MathComp analysis](
- [Infotheo](
- [Paramcoq](
- [Hierarchy Builder](
- Coq namespace: `monae`
- Related publication(s):
- [A hierarchy of monadic effects for program verification using equational reasoning]( doi:[10.1007/978-3-030-33636-3_9](
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ make install
This repository contains a formalization of monads including examples
of monadic equational reasoning and several models (in particular, a
model for a monad that mixes non-deterministic choice and
probabilistic choice). This corresponds roughly to the formalization
probabilistic choice). This corresponds to the formalization
of the following papers:
- [Gibbons and Hinze, Just do It: Simple Monadic Equational Reasoning, ICFP 2011] (except Sect. 10.2)
- [Gibbons, Unifying Theories of Programming with Monads, UTP 2012] (up to Sect. 7.2)
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions _CoqProject
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
-arg -w -arg -notation-overridden
-arg -w -arg -ambiguous-paths
-arg -w -arg -notation-incompatible-format
-arg -w -arg -elpi.add-const-for-axiom-or-sectionvar

Expand All @@ -29,3 +30,4 @@ example_transformer.v

-R . monae

81 changes: 37 additions & 44 deletions altprob_model.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ From mathcomp Require Import boolp classical_sets.
From infotheo Require Import classical_sets_ext Reals_ext Rbigop ssrR fdist.
From infotheo Require Import fsdist convex necset.
Require category.
From HB Require Import structures.
Require Import monae_lib hierarchy monad_lib proba_lib monad_model gcm_model.
Require Import category.

(* Model of the monad type altProbMonad *)
Expand All @@ -33,14 +35,14 @@ Local Open Scope monae_scope.
Definition alt A (x y : gcm A) : gcm A := x [+] y.
Definition choice p A (x y : gcm A) : gcm A := x <| p |> y.

Lemma altA A : associative (@alt A).
Lemma altA A : ssrfun.associative (@alt A).
Proof. by move=> x y z; rewrite /alt lubA. Qed.

Lemma image_FSDistfmap A B (x : gcm A) (k : choice_of_Type A -> gcm B) :
FSDistfmap k @` x = (gcm # k) x.
rewrite /Actm /= /category.Monad_of_category_monad.f /= /category.id_f /=.
by rewrite/free_semiCompSemiLattConvType_mor /=; unlock.
rewrite /hierarchy.actm /= /actm /category.Monad_of_category_monad.actm /=.
by rewrite /category.id_f /= /free_semiCompSemiLattConvType_mor /=; unlock.

Section funalt_funchoice.
Expand All @@ -55,24 +57,23 @@ Local Notation U1 := forget_semiCompSemiLattConvType.
Lemma FunaltDr (A B : Type) (x y : gcm A) (k : A -> gcm B) :
(gcm # k) (x [+] y) = (gcm # k) x [+] (gcm # k) y.
rewrite /hierarchy.Functor.Exports.Actm /=.
rewrite /Monad_of_category_monad.f /=.
rewrite /hierarchy.actm /=.
rewrite /Monad_of_category_monad.actm /=.
case: (free_semiCompSemiLattConvType_mor
(free_convType_mor (free_choiceType_mor (hom_Type k))))=> f /= [] Haf Hbf.
rewrite Hbf lubE.
congr biglub.
(free_convType_mor (free_choiceType_mor (hom_Type k))))=> f /= [] af ->.
rewrite lubE; congr biglub.
apply neset_ext=> /=.
by rewrite image_setU !image_set1.

Lemma FunpchoiceDr (A B : Type) (x y : gcm A) (k : A -> gcm B) p :
(gcm # k) (x <|p|> y) = (gcm # k) x <|p|> (gcm # k) y.
rewrite /hierarchy.Functor.Exports.Actm /=.
rewrite /Monad_of_category_monad.f /=.
rewrite /hierarchy.actm /=.
rewrite /Monad_of_category_monad.actm /=.
case: (free_semiCompSemiLattConvType_mor
(free_convType_mor (free_choiceType_mor (hom_Type k))))=> f /= [] Haf Hbf.
by apply Haf.
(free_convType_mor (free_choiceType_mor (hom_Type k))))=> f /= [] + _.
End funalt_funchoice.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,14 +115,14 @@ Local Notation FCo := choice_of_Type.
Local Notation F1m := free_semiCompSemiLattConvType_mor.
Local Notation F0m := free_convType_mor.

Lemma bindaltDl : BindLaws.left_distributive (@hierarchy.Bind gcm) alt.
Lemma bindaltDl : BindLaws.left_distributive (@hierarchy.bind gcm) alt.
move=> A B x y k.
rewrite !hierarchy.bindE /alt FunaltDr.
suff -> : forall T (u v : gcm (gcm T)),
hierarchy.Join (u [+] v : gcm (gcm T)) = hierarchy.Join u [+] hierarchy.Join v by [].
move=> T u v.
rewrite /= /Monad_of_category_monad.join /=.
rewrite /= /join_ /=.
rewrite HCompId HIdComp /AdjComp.Eps.
do 3 rewrite VCompE_nat homfunK functor_o !compE.
rewrite !functor_id HCompId HIdComp.
Expand All @@ -131,18 +132,16 @@ by rewrite affine_F1e0U1PD_alt affine_e1PD_alt.
End bindaltDl.

Definition P_delta_monadAltMixin : MonadAlt.mixin_of gcm :=
MonadAlt.Mixin altA bindaltDl.
Definition gcmA : altMonad := MonadAlt.Pack (MonadAlt.Class P_delta_monadAltMixin).
HB.instance Definition P_delta_monadAltMixin :=
@isMonadAlt.Build (Monad_of_category_monad.acto Mgcm) alt altA bindaltDl.

Lemma altxx A : idempotent (@Alt gcmA A).
Proof. by move=> x; rewrite /Alt /= /alt lubxx. Qed.
Lemma altC A : commutative (@Alt gcmA A).
Proof. by move=> a b; rewrite /Alt /= /alt /= lubC. Qed.
Lemma altxx A : idempotent (@alt A).
Proof. by move=> x; rewrite /= /alt lubxx. Qed.
Lemma altC A : commutative (@alt A).
Proof. by move=> a b; rewrite /= /alt /= lubC. Qed.

Definition P_delta_monadAltCIMixin : MonadAltCI.class_of gcmA :=
MonadAltCI.Class (MonadAltCI.Mixin altxx altC).
Definition gcmACI : altCIMonad := MonadAltCI.Pack P_delta_monadAltCIMixin.
HB.instance Definition gcmACI :=
@isMonadAltCI.Build (Monad_of_category_monad.acto Mgcm) altxx altC.

Lemma choice0 A (x y : gcm A) : x <| 0%:pr |> y = y.
Proof. by rewrite /choice conv0. Qed.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,13 +201,14 @@ Local Notation FCo := choice_of_Type.
Local Notation F1m := free_semiCompSemiLattConvType_mor.
Local Notation F0m := free_convType_mor.

Lemma bindchoiceDl p : BindLaws.left_distributive (@hierarchy.Bind gcm) (@choice p).
Lemma bindchoiceDl p : BindLaws.left_distributive (@hierarchy.bind gcm) (@choice p).
move=> A B x y k.
rewrite !hierarchy.bindE /choice FunpchoiceDr.
suff -> : forall T (u v : gcm (gcm T)), hierarchy.Join (u <|p|> v : gcm (gcm T)) = hierarchy.Join u <|p|> hierarchy.Join v by [].
move=> T u v.
rewrite /= /Monad_of_category_monad.join /=.
rewrite /join_ /=.
rewrite HCompId HIdComp /AdjComp.Eps.
do 3 rewrite VCompE_nat homfunK functor_o !compE.
rewrite !functor_id HCompId HIdComp.
Expand All @@ -218,42 +218,35 @@ by rewrite affine_F1e0U1PD_conv affine_e1PD_conv.
End bindchoiceDl.

Definition P_delta_monadProbMixin : MonadProb.mixin_of gcm :=
MonadProb.Mixin choice0 choice1 choiceC choicemm choiceA bindchoiceDl.
Definition P_delta_monadProbMixin' :
MonadProb.mixin_of (Monad.Pack (MonadAlt.base (MonadAltCI.base (MonadAltCI.class gcmACI)))) :=
Definition gcmp : probMonad :=
MonadProb.Pack (MonadProb.Class P_delta_monadProbMixin).
HB.instance Definition P_delta_monadProbMixin :=
isMonadProb.Build (Monad_of_category_monad.acto Mgcm)
choice0 choice1 choiceC choicemm choiceA bindchoiceDl.

Lemma choicealtDr A (p : prob) :
right_distributive (fun x y : gcmACI A => x <| p |> y) Alt.
right_distributive (fun x y : Mgcm A => x <| p |> y) (@alt A).
Proof. by move=> x y z; rewrite /choice lubDr. Qed.

Definition P_delta_monadAltProbMixin : @MonadAltProb.mixin_of gcmACI choice :=
MonadAltProb.Mixin choicealtDr.
Definition P_delta_monadAltProbMixin' :
@MonadAltProb.mixin_of gcmACI (MonadProb.choice P_delta_monadProbMixin) :=
Definition gcmAP : altProbMonad :=
MonadAltProb.Pack (MonadAltProb.Class P_delta_monadAltProbMixin').
HB.instance Definition gcmAP :=
@isMonadAltProb.Build (Monad_of_category_monad.acto Mgcm) choicealtDr.

End P_delta_altProbMonad.

Section examples.
Section probabilisctic_choice_not_trivial.
Local Open Scope proba_monad_scope.

(* An example that probabilistic choice in this model is not trivial:
we can distinguish different probabilities. *)
Example gcmAP_choice_nontrivial (p q : prob) :
p <> q ->
Ret true <|p|> Ret false <> Ret true <|q|> Ret false :> gcmAP bool.
hierarchy.Ret true <|p|> hierarchy.Ret false <>
hierarchy.Ret true <|q|> hierarchy.Ret false :> (Monad_of_category_monad.acto Mgcm) bool.
apply contra_not.
rewrite !gcm_retE /Choice /= /Conv /= => /(congr1 ( _)).
rewrite !necset_convType.convE !conv_cset1 /=.
move/(@set1_inj _ (Conv _ _ _))/(congr1 (@FSDist.f _))/fsfunP/(_ true).
move/(@classical_sets_ext.set1_inj _ (Conv _ _ _))/(congr1 (@FSDist.f _))/fsfunP/(_ true).
rewrite !ConvFSDist.dE !FSDist1.dE /=.
rewrite !(@in_fset1 (choice_of_Type bool)) eqxx /= ifF; last exact/negbTE/eqP.
by rewrite !mulR1 !mulR0 !addR0; exact: val_inj.
End examples.
End probabilisctic_choice_not_trivial.
130 changes: 81 additions & 49 deletions category.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From mathcomp Require Import boolp.
Require Import monae_lib.
From HB Require Import structures.

(* Formalization of basic category theory *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ Require Import monae_lib.
(* Module AdjComp == define a pair of adjoint functors by composition of *)
(* two pairs of adjoint functors *)
(* Module MonadOfAdjoint == monad defined by adjointness *)
(* Module Monad_of_category_monad == interface to monad.v *)
(* Monad_of_category_monad.m == turns a monad over the Type category into *)
(* a monad in the sense of monad.v *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1118,83 +1120,113 @@ End Exports.
End Monad_of_bind_ret.
Export Monad_of_bind_ret.Exports.

(* interface to monad.v *)
Require hierarchy.
Require Import hierarchy.

Module Monad_of_category_monad.
Section def.
Variable (M : monad CT).
Definition m'' : Type -> Type := M.
Definition f (A B : Type) (h : A -> B) (x : m'' A) : m'' B :=
Section monad_of_category_monad.
Variable M : Monad.Exports.monad CT.

Definition acto : Type -> Type := M.

Definition actm (A B : Type) (h : A -> B) (x : acto A) : acto B :=
(M # hom_Type h) x.
Lemma fid A : f id = id :> (m'' A -> m'' A).

Lemma fid A : actm id = id :> (acto A -> acto A).
rewrite /f.
rewrite /actm.
have -> : hom_Type id = [hom idfun] by move=> ?; apply hom_ext.
by rewrite functor_id.
by rewrite category.functor_id.

Lemma fcomp A B C (g : B -> C) (h : A -> B) :
f (g \o h) = f g \o f h :> (m'' A -> m'' C).
actm (g \o h) = actm g \o actm h :> (acto A -> acto C).
rewrite {1}/f.
rewrite {1}/actm.
have -> : hom_Type (g \o h) = [hom hom_Type g \o hom_Type h] by apply hom_ext.
by rewrite functor_o.
by rewrite category.functor_o.
Definition m' := hierarchy.Functor.Pack (hierarchy.Functor.Mixin fid fcomp).

Import hierarchy.Functor.Exports.
HB.instance Definition _ := hierarchy.isFunctor.Build acto fid fcomp.

Definition ret (A : Type) (x : A) : m' A := (@Ret _ M A x).
Definition join (A : Type) (x : m' (m' A)) := (@Join _ M A x).
Definition ret_ (A : Type) (x : A) : acto A := @Monad.Exports.Ret _ M A x.

Lemma joinE A (x : m' (m' A)) : join x = @Join _ M A x.
Proof. by []. Qed.
Definition join_ (A : Type) (x : acto (acto A)) := @Monad.Exports.Join _ M A x.

Lemma ret_nat : hierarchy.naturality hierarchy.FId m' ret.
Lemma ret_nat : hierarchy.naturality hierarchy.FId [the functor of acto] ret_.
Proof. move=> ? ? ?; exact: (ret_naturality M). Qed.
Definition _ret_nat : hierarchy.Natural.type hierarchy.FId m' :=

Definition ret : hierarchy.Natural.type hierarchy.FId [the functor of acto] :=
hierarchy.Natural.Pack (hierarchy.Natural.Mixin ret_nat).
Lemma join_nat : hierarchy.naturality (hierarchy.FComp m' m') m' join.

Lemma join_nat : hierarchy.naturality
(hierarchy.FComp [the functor of acto] [the functor of acto])
[the functor of acto] join_.
move=> A B h; apply funext=> x; rewrite /ret /Actm /= /f.
move=> A B h; apply funext=> x; rewrite /ret /hierarchy.actm/= /actm.
rewrite -[in LHS]compE join_naturality.
rewrite compE FCompE.
suff -> : (M # (M # hom_Type h)) x = (M # hom_Type (Actm m' h)) x
by [].
rewrite compE category.FCompE.
suff -> : (M # (M # hom_Type h)) x =
(M # hom_Type ([the functor of acto] # h)%monae) x by [].
congr ((M # _ ) _).
by apply/hom_ext/funext.
Definition _join_nat := hierarchy.Natural.Pack (hierarchy.Natural.Mixin join_nat).
Lemma joinretM : hierarchy.JoinLaws.left_unit _ret_nat _join_nat.

Definition join := hierarchy.Natural.Pack (hierarchy.Natural.Mixin join_nat).

Lemma joinretM : hierarchy.JoinLaws.left_unit ret join.
by move=> A; apply funext=> x; rewrite /join /ret /= -[in LHS]compE joinretM.
move=> A; apply funext=> x.
by rewrite /join /ret /= -[in LHS]compE category.joinretM.
Lemma joinMret (A : Type) : @join _ \o (Actm m' (@ret _)) = id :> (m' A -> m' A).

Lemma joinMret (A : Type) :
@join A \o ([the functor of acto] # (@ret _))%monae = id :> (acto A -> acto A).
apply funext=> x; rewrite /join /ret /Actm /=.
suff -> : @f A (m'' A) [eta (@Ret CT M A)] x =
(M # Ret) x
by rewrite -[in LHS]compE joinMret.
rewrite /f /m'' /=.
suff -> : @hom_Type A (M A) [eta (@Ret CT M A)] = Ret by [].
apply funext=> x; rewrite /join /ret /= /hierarchy.actm /=.
rewrite (_ : actm _ x = (M # Monad.Exports.Ret) x).
by rewrite -[in LHS]compE category.joinMret.
suff -> : @actm A (acto A) (@Monad.Exports.Ret CT M A) x =
(M # Monad.Exports.Ret) x by [].
rewrite /actm.
suff -> : @hom_Type A (M A) (@Monad.Exports.Ret CT M A) = Monad.Exports.Ret by [].
by apply hom_ext.

Lemma joinA (A : Type) :
@join _ \o Actm m' (@join _) = @join _ \o @join _ :> (m' (m' (m' A)) -> m' A).
@join A \o @hierarchy.actm _ _ _ (@join A) = @join _ \o @join _.
apply funext=> x; rewrite /join /ret /Actm /=.
rewrite -[in RHS]compE -joinA compE.
apply funext=> x; rewrite /join /ret /=.
rewrite -[in RHS]compE -category.joinA compE.
congr (_ _).
rewrite /f /m'' /=.
suff -> : (@hom_Type (M (M A)) (M A)
[eta (@Join CT M A)]) = Join by [].
rewrite /hierarchy.actm [in LHS]/= /actm.
suff -> : @hom_Type (M (M A)) (M A) (@Monad.Exports.Join CT M A) =
Monad.Exports.Join by [].
by apply hom_ext.

Definition m : hierarchy.Monad.type := hierarchy.Monad.Pack
(hierarchy.Monad.Class (hierarchy.Monad.Mixin joinretM joinMret joinA)).
End def.
Module Exports.
Notation Monad_of_category_monad := m.
End Exports.
Let bind (A B : UU0) (m : acto A) (f : A -> acto B) : acto B :=
@join _ ((@hierarchy.actm _ _ _ f) m).

Lemma fmapE : forall (A B : UU0) (f : A -> B) (m : acto A),
([the functor of acto] # f)%monae m = bind m (@ret _ \o f).
move=> A B f m.
rewrite /hierarchy.actm /=.
rewrite /bind.
rewrite -[in RHS]compE.
rewrite functor_o.
rewrite compA.
rewrite joinMret.
by rewrite compidf.

Lemma bindE : forall (A B : UU0) (f : A -> acto B) (m : acto A),
bind m f = @join _ (([the functor of acto] # f)%monae m).
Proof. by []. Qed.

HB.instance Definition mixin := @hierarchy.isMonad.Build acto ret join bind
fmapE bindE joinretM joinMret joinA.
(*Definition m : hierarchy.Monad.type := hierarchy.Monad.Pack (hierarchy.Monad.Class mixin).*)
End monad_of_category_monad.
End Monad_of_category_monad.
Export Monad_of_category_monad.Exports.
HB.export Monad_of_category_monad.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion coq-monae.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,9 +24,10 @@ depends: [
"coq-mathcomp-algebra" { (>= "1.12.0" & < "1.13~") }
"coq-mathcomp-solvable" { (>= "1.12.0" & < "1.13~") }
"coq-mathcomp-field" { (>= "1.12.0" & < "1.13~") }
"coq-mathcomp-analysis" { (>= "0.3.6" & <= "0.3.7") | (>= "0.3.9" & < "0.4~") }
"coq-mathcomp-analysis" { (= "0.3.7") | (>= "0.3.9" & < "0.4~") }
"coq-infotheo" { >= "0.3.2" & < "0.4~"}
"coq-paramcoq" { >= "1.1.2" & < "1.2~" }
"coq-hierarchy-builder" { >= "1.1.0" }

tags: [
Expand Down

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