Project Name : "Plants Vs Zombies" Game
Description : Our project is a simple version of this game with Qt frame work and cpp language, it was our final AP ( Advance Programming ) Project. We use (Object Oriented Programming) ,QT Socket, QT framework, STL and Polymorphism. Game's timer is 3:30 minutes, if one zombie reaches end of the play area they win but if the timer finished while no zombie has reached end of the map, plants would win. Every 5 seconds Brains apear in zombiescen and suns apear in plant scene, if users have clicked on them they achieved 25 scores which is needed for buying plants and zombies, if users don't click on them they will disapear after 3.5 secons.
Summary of Whole Project : In first page you can log in and if you don't have any acount yet, you can creat it. If you forget your password you can change it by your username and mobile phone number. After log in menu is shown which has four option :
1-Edit Info : user can edit his/her information. 2-History : user can see the history of his/her games which show name of the compatitor, date, his/her role in each round, win or lose in each game 3-Exit 4-Game : which show another page which get IP from the user and then after pushing "start" it trys to connect the server, if any other client has connected to the server before, game would started if not user should wait for the second client(user).
It was a group project and because of that we made two branches on the ripo, then we tried to do the tasks we are better in but sometimes we needed to do something with each other and we did it in google meet or at our university. (OfCourse we have conflicts during this project)