I'm running a book club at Mattermost to read PostgreSQL 14 Internals with my colleagues. It is a deep dive into the architecture and implementation details of Postgres. Quoting the very first words of the book itself:
This book is for those who will not settle for a black-box approach when working with a database. If you are eager to learn, prefer not to take expert advice for granted, and would like to figure out everything yourself, follow along.
This repo contains a single file with my notes on the book, in case someone finds them useful: go read them.
If you ever want to attend one of the meetings we hold on Fridays to discuss the chapter we've read throughout the week, you're more than welcome to do so, regardless of whether you work at Mattermost or not. Simply join this channel in Mattermost's Community server and ping me (@alejandro.garcia
) to invite you to the calendar event.
Happy reading! 📚