Project part of the course Physical Human-Robot Interaction (ETH Zurich). The scope of the project was to design an admittance controller with inner position/velocity loop for the haptic rendering of virtual environments. The design was implemented using LabVIEW on the ETHZ Haptic Paddle.
You can find the videos that show the final outcome of the project in the folder "Videos Final Outcome", in particular:
- In "Uncontrolled Device" the human interacts with the uncontrolled device, so the video shows the natural dynamic response of the Haptic Paddle.
- In "Control for High Admittance" the human interacts with the device controlled for rendering a high admittance, that is the dynamic relation between force and motion (the higher the admittance, the larger the accelerations caused by the same force).
- In the remaining videos, two mass-spring-damper systems are rendered.
You can find the final powerpoint presentation in the foloder "Final Presentation".
Finally, inside folder "src" you can find the Matlab code and the LabVIEW files generated during the project.