Notice: The official website of Sniper has a guide of installation. However, it is out of date. It only fits old Sniper versions. If you choose Sniper 7.1, do not follow their instruction.
Ubuntu 18.04
Sniper 7.1
gcc 7.3
g++ 7
- Download Sniper 7.1 from their official website
- Download Pin kit 3.7
- Extract Pin into sniper/pin_kit
$sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386
$g++ --version, to get your_g++_version
$sudo apt-get install g++-your_g++_version-multilib
$sudo apt-get install lib32z1-dev
$make - If make failed, there will be a notice for the missing part, install those missing part.
- If "usr/bin/env: ‘python’: No such file or directory", check your environment. Usually, if your python version is higher, it cannot be detected. Use following command to install python
$sudo apt-get install python-minimal
$cd test/fft
$make run
- Sniper 7.1 has bugs for simulator large number of cores. Use patch to fix it. Patch is provided by Sniper Author.
$patch -p1 < sniper-7.1-shmemperf-and-maxthreads-fix-v2.patch
$make clean