Yet another ADR Tool written in Go.
Inspired by the adr-tools but using the Go instead of Bash.
First Add RPM repository
# Docu:
echo '[Holbreich]
name=Holbreich Repository
gpgcheck=0' | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/holbreich.repo
install rpm with yum
or dnf
sudo dnf install adr-tool
Checkout rpm-repo in case of any issues.
#Build locally
go build -o adr
# Make available to the system
sudo mv adr /usr/local/bin/adr
# Alternatively make it available to your user only
mv adr ~/bin/adr
adr init
before you start working.
adr new how to make CLI tools
this will create a new numbered ADR in folder .adr
1-how to make CLI
adr list
# List all commands
adr -h
#Example detailed help to a particular subcommand
adr new -h
User your favored Editor, Open the desired ADR file under ./.adr/ folder change anything.
- Add build pipeline
- Add ADR Status Info in listing (Require file parsing)
- Add Status transition?
# VBuild and try local
go build -o adr