Releases: ai-techsystems/arduino
Releases · ai-techsystems/arduino
deepC 0.121 for arduino is now available!
We would like to thank everybody who has contributed to this release. You may learn more about the project, who is involved and what tools are available at the
onnx 1.5.0
onnx parser supports onnx IR4 and onnx IR5.
Operators List
- Abs
- Acos
- Acosh
- Add
- And
- ArgMax
- ArgMin
- Asin
- Asinh
- Atan
- Atanh
- baseOperator
- BitShift
- BitwiseAnd
- BitwiseOr
- BitwiseXor
- Ceil
- Clip
- Constant
- Conv
- Cos
- Cosh
- DequantizeLinear
- Div
- Dropout
- Elu
- Equal
- Erf
- Expand
- Exp
- EyeLike
- Flatten
- FloorDiv
- Floor
- Gather
- Gemm
- GlobalAveragePool
- GlobalLpPool
- GlobalMaxPool
- GreaterEqual
- Greater
- Hardmax
- HardSigmoid
- Identity
- InstanceNormalization
- IsInf
- IsNaN
- LeakyRelu
- LessEqual
- Less
- Log
- LogSoftmax
- LpNormalization
- MatMul
- MatMulInteger
- Max
- Mean
- Min
- Mod
- Mul
- Neg
- NotEqual
- Not
- OneHot
- Or
- Pad
- Pow
- PRelu
- Reciprocal
- Relu
- Remainder
- Reshape
- SetSlice
- Sigmoid
- Sign
- Sin
- Sinh
- Slice
- Softmax
- Softplus
- Softsign
- Sqrt
- Sub
- Tan
- Tanh
- ThresholdedRelu
- Transpose
- TrueDiv
- Where
- Xor
Change Log
bringing folder structure into compliance with Arduino library manager.
BUG Fixes
deepC 0.12 for arduino is now available!
We would like to thank everybody who has contributed to this release. You may learn more about the project, who is involved and what tools are available at the
onnx 1.5.0
onnx parser supports onnx IR4 and onnx IR5.
Operators List
- Abs
- Acos
- Acosh
- Add
- And
- ArgMax
- ArgMin
- Asin
- Asinh
- Atan
- Atanh
- baseOperator
- BitShift
- BitwiseAnd
- BitwiseOr
- BitwiseXor
- Ceil
- Clip
- Constant
- Conv
- Cos
- Cosh
- DequantizeLinear
- Div
- Dropout
- Elu
- Equal
- Erf
- Expand
- Exp
- EyeLike
- Flatten
- FloorDiv
- Floor
- Gather
- Gemm
- GlobalAveragePool
- GlobalLpPool
- GlobalMaxPool
- GreaterEqual
- Greater
- Hardmax
- HardSigmoid
- Identity
- InstanceNormalization
- IsInf
- IsNaN
- LeakyRelu
- LessEqual
- Less
- Log
- LogSoftmax
- LpNormalization
- MatMul
- MatMulInteger
- Max
- Mean
- Min
- Mod
- Mul
- Neg
- NotEqual
- Not
- OneHot
- Or
- Pad
- Pow
- PRelu
- Reciprocal
- Relu
- Remainder
- Reshape
- SetSlice
- Sigmoid
- Sign
- Sin
- Sinh
- Slice
- Softmax
- Softplus
- Softsign
- Sqrt
- Sub
- Tan
- Tanh
- ThresholdedRelu
- Transpose
- TrueDiv
- Where
- Xor