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maskomic committed Sep 22, 2021
1 parent ba720ee commit 948c0c8
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Showing 23 changed files with 572 additions and 126 deletions.
Binary file added MGMM.png
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32 changes: 27 additions & 5 deletions Manifest.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -132,6 +132,12 @@ git-tree-sha1 = "75479b7df4167267d75294d14b58244695beb2ac"
uuid = "aaaa29a8-35af-508c-8bc3-b662a17a0fe5"
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deps = ["TranscodingStreams", "Zlib_jll"]
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uuid = "7b1f6079-737a-58dc-b8bc-7a2ca5c1b5ee"

deps = ["LinearAlgebra", "Random", "SparseArrays"]
git-tree-sha1 = "502b3de6039d5b78c76118423858d981349f3823"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -579,6 +588,12 @@ git-tree-sha1 = "9aff0587d9603ea0de2c6f6300d9f9492bbefbd3"
uuid = "aacddb02-875f-59d6-b918-886e6ef4fbf8"
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deps = ["CodeTracking", "InteractiveUtils", "Random", "UUIDs"]
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uuid = "bdcacae8-1622-11e9-2a5c-532679323890"
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deps = ["JuliaInterpreter"]
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uuid = "6f1432cf-f94c-5a45-995e-cdbf5db27b0b"
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deps = ["Distributions", "ForwardDiff", "LinearAlgebra", "NLSolversBase", "OptimBase", "Random", "StatsBase"]
git-tree-sha1 = "b32b5549461fcb93bce223e264d4a7ef0c9923fd"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1002,6 +1023,12 @@ git-tree-sha1 = "4036a3bd08ac7e968e27c203d45f5fff15020621"
uuid = "ae029012-a4dd-5104-9daa-d747884805df"
version = "1.1.3"

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version = "3.1.19"

deps = ["Random", "Rmath_jll"]
git-tree-sha1 = "86c5647b565873641538d8f812c04e4c9dbeb370"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1128,11 +1155,6 @@ version = "1.4.0"
deps = ["Libdl", "LinearAlgebra", "Serialization", "SparseArrays"]
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git-tree-sha1 = "a819d77f31f83e5792a76081eee1ea6342ab8787"
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deps = ["SentinelArrays", "Tables", "Test"]
git-tree-sha1 = "a7cf690d0ac3f5b53dd09b5d613540b230233647"
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ NearestNeighbors = "b8a86587-4115-5ab1-83bc-aa920d37bbce"
Plots = "91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80"
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Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"
Revise = "295af30f-e4ad-537b-8983-00126c2a3abe"
Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"
StatsBase = "2913bbd2-ae8a-5f71-8c99-4fb6c76f3a91"
StatsPlots = "f3b207a7-027a-5e70-b257-86293d7955fd"
Suppressor = "fd094767-a336-5f1f-9728-57cf17d0bbfb"
UMAP = "c4f8c510-2410-5be4-91d7-4fbaeb39457e"
ValueHistories = "98cad3c8-aec3-5f06-8e41-884608649ab7"

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Binary file modified data/results/MNIST/leave-one-in/PoolModel.bson
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/results/MNIST/leave-one-out/PoolModel.bson
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified data/results/MNIST/mnist_results_in.bson
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/results/MNIST/mnist_results_in_H.bson
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified data/results/MNIST/mnist_results_in_scores.bson
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified data/results/MNIST/mnist_results_out.bson
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/results/MNIST/mnist_results_out_H.bson
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified data/results/MNIST/mnist_results_out_scores.bson
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
65 changes: 0 additions & 65 deletions scripts/evaluation/MIL/workflow.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,68 +1,3 @@
find_best_model(folder::String [, groupkey]; metric=:val_AUC)
Recursively goes through given folder and finds the best model based on
chosen metric, default is validation AUC.
If `groupkey` is present, returns the best model for each category of groupkey.
Group key can be both a symbol or an array of symbols.
function find_best_model(folder::String; metric=:val_AUC, save_best_seed=false)
#folder = datadir("experiments", "contamination-0.0", modelname, dataset)
data = GroupAD.Evaluation.results_dataframe(folder)
point = load(GroupAD.Evaluation.collect_scores(folder)[1])
params = point[:parameters]

g = groupby(data, [keys(params)...])
un = unique(map(x -> size(x), g))
if length(un) != 1
idx = findall(x -> size(x,1) > 5, g)
@warn "There are groups with different sizes (different number of seeds). Possible duplicate models or missing seeds.
Removing $(length(g) - length(idx)) groups out of $(length(g)) with less than 6 seeds."
g = g[idx]

metricsnames = [:val_AUC, :val_AUPRC, :test_AUC, :test_AUPRC]
cdf = combine(g, map(x -> x => mean, metricsnames))
sort!(cdf, :val_AUC_mean, rev=true)
best_model = cdf[1,:]

if save_best_seed
_nm = names(best_model)
nm = _nm[occursin.("mean", _nm) .== 0]
nm = nm[occursin.("L", nm) .== 0]
values = best_model[[nm...]]

idx = findall(row -> row[nm] == values, eachrow(data))
s = sort(data[idx, :], :val_AUC, rev = true)[1,:][:seed]
return DataFrame(best_model), s
return best_model
function find_best_model(folder, groupkey, metric=:val_AUC)
#folder = datadir("experiments", "contamination-0.0", modelname, dataset, "scenario=$scenario")
data = GroupAD.Evaluation.results_dataframe(folder)
point = load(GroupAD.Evaluation.collect_scores(folder)[1])
params = point[:parameters]

g_score = groupby(data, groupkey)
g = map(x -> groupby(x, [keys(params)...]), g_score)
un = unique(vcat(map(x -> unique(map(y -> size(y), x)), g)...))

if length(un) != 1
idx = findall.(x -> size(x,1) > 5, g)
@warn "There are groups with different sizes (different number of seeds). Possible duplicate models or missing seeds.
Removing $(sum(length.(g)) - sum(length.(idx))) groups out of $(sum(length.(g))) with less than 6 seeds."
g = map(i -> g[i][idx[i]], 1:length(g))

metricsnames = [:val_AUC, :val_AUPRC, :test_AUC, :test_AUPRC]
cdf = map(y -> combine(y, map(x -> x => mean, metricsnames)), g)
cdf_sorted = map(x -> sort(x, :val_AUC_mean, rev=true), cdf)
best_models = vcat(map(x -> DataFrame(x[1,:]), cdf_sorted)...)

groupedbar_matrix(df::DataFrame; group::Symbol, cols::Symbol, value::Symbol, groupnamefull=true)
Expand Down
28 changes: 27 additions & 1 deletion scripts/evaluation/MNIST/mnist_results_in.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ using Plots
using StatsPlots
ENV["GKSwstype"] = "100"

include(scriptsdir("evaluation", "MIL", "workflow.jl"))
#include(scriptsdir("evaluation", "MIL", "workflow.jl"))

### leave-one-in ###
Expand All @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ modelname = "vae_basic"
modelname = "vae_instance"
modelname = "statistician"
modelname = "PoolModel"
modelname = "MGMM"
method = "leave-one-in"
class = 10
folder = datadir("experiments", "contamination-0.0", modelname, "MNIST", method, "class_index=$class")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,6 +81,7 @@ modelname = "vae_basic"
modelname = "vae_instance"
modelname = "statistician"
modelname = "PoolModel"
modelname = "MGMM"
method = "leave-one-in"
class = 10
folder = datadir("experiments", "contamination-0.0", modelname, "MNIST", method, "class_index=$class")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,4 +184,28 @@ mnist_barplots(
gdf, "poolmodel-in", new_labels; legend_title="Pool function",
group=:class, cols=:poolf, value=:test_AUC_mean,
w1=0.8, w2=0.85

### MGMM results
mgmm = mnist_results_in["MGMM"]
mgmm = mnist_results_in_scores["MGMM"]
g = groupby(sort(mgmm, :val_AUC_mean, rev=true), [:class,:score])
gm = map(x -> DataFrame(x[1,:]), g)
gdf = vcat(gm...)
groupnames, M, labels = groupedbar_matrix(gdf, group=:class, cols=:score, value=:test_AUC_mean)

new_labels = ["point" "topic" "point + topic"]
vcat(labels, new_labels)

p = groupedbar(
map(i -> "$i", 0:9), M, label=new_labels, ylims=(0,1), legend=:bottomright,
xlabel="digit", ylabel="test AUC"
wsave(plotsdir("MNIST", "pdf", "MGMM-in.pdf"), p)

gdf, "MGMM-in", new_labels; legend_title="Score",
group=:class, cols=:score, value=:test_AUC_mean,
w1=0.8, w2=0.85
75 changes: 67 additions & 8 deletions scripts/evaluation/MNIST/mnist_results_out.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ mnist_results_out = load(datadir("results", "MNIST", "mnist_results_out.bson"))
modelname = "knn_basic"
modelname = "vae_basic"
modelname = "vae_instance"
modelname = "PoolModel"
modelname = "MGMM"
method = "leave-one-out"
folder = datadir("experiments", "contamination-0.0", modelname, "MNIST", method, "class_index=$class")

Expand All @@ -38,16 +40,16 @@ push!(mnist_results_out, modelname => rdf)
save(datadir("results", "MNIST", "mnist_results_out.bson"), mnist_results_out)

# add :model columns
modelnames = ["knn_basic", "vae_basic", "vae_instance"]
model_names = ["kNNagg", "VAEagg", "VAE"]
knn_basic, vae_basic, vae_instance = map(m-> insertcols!(mnist_results_out[m], :model => m), modelnames)
modelnames = ["knn_basic", "vae_basic", "vae_instance", "statistician", "PoolModel"]
model_names = ["kNNagg", "VAEagg", "VAE", "NS", "PoolModel"]
knn_basic, vae_basic, vae_instance, statistician, poolmodel = map(m-> insertcols!(mnist_results_out[m], :model => m), modelnames)

# groupedbarplot for more models
df_all = vcat(knn_basic, vae_basic, vae_instance, cols=:union)
df_all = vcat(knn_basic, vae_basic, vae_instance, statistician, poolmodel, cols=:union)
df_red = df_all[:, [:model, :class, :test_AUC_mean]]
groupnames, M, labels = groupedbar_matrix(df_red, group=:class, cols=:model, value=:test_AUC_mean)
idx = [1,2,3]
idx = [2,4,5,3,1]
vcat(hcat(labels[idx]...), hcat(model_names...))

Expand All @@ -69,13 +71,15 @@ mnist_results_out_scores = load(datadir("results", "MNIST", "mnist_results_out_s
modelname = "knn_basic"
modelname = "vae_basic"
modelname = "vae_instance"
modelname = "PoolModel"
modelname = "MGMM"
method = "leave-one-out"

# calculating the results for a single model
results = DataFrame[]
for class in 1:10
folder = datadir("experiments", "contamination-0.0", modelname, "MNIST", method, "class_index=$class")
df = find_best_model(folder, :type)
df = find_best_model(folder, :poolf)
#df = find_best_model(folder) |> DataFrame
push!(results, df)
Expand All @@ -84,7 +88,7 @@ push!(mnist_results_out_scores, modelname => rdf)
save(datadir("results", "MNIST", "mnist_results_out_scores.bson"), mnist_results_out_scores)

knn_basic, vae_basic, vae_instance = map(m-> mnist_results_out_scores[m], modelnames)
knn_basic, vae_basic, vae_instance, statistician, poolmodel = map(m-> mnist_results_out_scores[m], modelnames)
# groupedbarplot for :aggregation, or :score, :type etc.
# kNN
modelname = "knn_basic"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,4 +138,59 @@ mnist_barplots(
gdf, "vae-out", new_labels; ind = idx,
group=:class, cols=:type, value=:test_AUC_mean,
w1=0.8, w2=0.85

# NS
modelname = "statistician"
#vae_instance = mnist_results_out_scores["vae_instance"]
g = groupby(sort(statistician, :val_AUC_mean, rev=true), [:class,:type])
gm = map(x -> DataFrame(x[1,:]), g)
gdf = vcat(gm...)
groupnames, M, labels = groupedbar_matrix(gdf, group=:class, cols=:type, value=:test_AUC_mean)

idx = [11,8,7,4,5,6,9,10,1,2,3]
new_labels = ["sum" "mean" "maximum" "logU" "LN" "LN + logU" "Po" "Po + logU" "MMD-G" "MMD-IMQ" "Chamfer"]
vcat(hcat(labels[idx]...), new_labels)

gdf, "statistician-out", new_labels; ind = idx,
group=:class, cols=:type, value=:test_AUC_mean,
w1=0.8, w2=0.85

# PoolModel
modelname = "PoolModel"
#poolmodel = mnist_results_out_scores[modelname]
g = groupby(sort(poolmodel, :val_AUC_mean, rev=true), [:class,:poolf])
gm = map(x -> DataFrame(x[1,:]), g)
gdf = vcat(gm...)
groupnames, M, labels = groupedbar_matrix(gdf, group=:class, cols=:poolf, value=:test_AUC_mean)

new_labels = ["maximum" "mean" "meanmax" "meanmax + card" "sumstat" "sumstat + card"]
vcat(labels, new_labels)

gdf, "poolmodel-out", new_labels; legend_title="Pooling function",
group=:class, cols=:poolf, value=:test_AUC_mean,
w1=0.8, w2=0.85

### MGMM results
mgmm = mnist_results_out["MGMM"]
mgmm = mnist_results_out_scores["MGMM"]
g = groupby(sort(mgmm, :val_AUC_mean, rev=true), [:class,:score])
gm = map(x -> DataFrame(x[1,:]), g)
gdf = vcat(gm...)
groupnames, M, labels = groupedbar_matrix(gdf, group=:class, cols=:score, value=:test_AUC_mean)

new_labels = ["point" "topic" "point + topic"]
vcat(labels, new_labels)

p = groupedbar(
map(i -> "$i", 0:9), M, label=new_labels, ylims=(0,1), legend=:bottomright,
xlabel="digit", ylabel="test AUC"
wsave(plotsdir("MNIST", "pdf", "MGMM-out.pdf"), p)
21 changes: 11 additions & 10 deletions scripts/evaluation/MNIST/mnist_results_table.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,28 +69,29 @@ t = pretty_table(

mnist_results_out = load(datadir("results", "MNIST", "mnist_results_out.bson"))

#model_names = ["kNNagg", "VAEagg", "VAE", "NS", "PoolModel", "MGMM"]
model_names = ["kNNagg", "VAEagg", "VAE"]
modelnames = ["knn_basic", "vae_basic", "vae_instance"]
model_names = ["kNNagg", "VAEagg", "VAE", "NS", "PoolModel"]
modelnames = ["knn_basic", "vae_basic", "vae_instance", "statistician", "PoolModel"]
modelvec = map(key -> mnist_results_out[key], modelnames)
knn_basic, vae_basic, vae_instance = map(key -> mnist_results_out[key], modelnames)
knn_basic, vae_basic, vae_instance, statistician, poolmodel = map(key -> mnist_results_out[key], modelnames)
# add modelname
#knn_basic, vae_basic, vae_instance, statistician, poolmodel, mgmm = map((d, m) -> insertcols!(d, :model => m), modelvec, modelnames)
knn_basic, vae_basic, vae_instance = map((d, m) -> insertcols!(d, :model => m), modelvec, modelnames)
df = vcat(knn_basic, vae_basic, vae_instance, cols=:union)
knn_basic, vae_basic, vae_instance, statistician, poolmodel = map((d, m) -> insertcols!(d, :model => m), modelvec, modelnames)
df = vcat(knn_basic, vae_basic, vae_instance, statistician, poolmodel, cols=:union)

# create dataframe
df_red = df[:, [:class, :model, :val_AUC_mean, :test_AUC_mean, :val_AUPRC_mean, :test_AUPRC_mean]]
df_red = df[:, [:class, :model, :test_AUC_mean]]
sort!(df_red, [:class, :model])

g = groupby(df_red, :class)
nm = g[1][:, :model] |> Array{String,1}
g = map(x -> rename(x, :test_AUC_mean => Symbol(x[1,:class])), g)
g = hcat(map(x -> x[:, 3], g)...)
df1 = DataFrame(g')
rename!(df1, model_names)
rename!(df1, nm)
df1[:, :digit] = map(i -> "$i", 0:9)
df_new = df1[:, [4,1,2,3]]
df_new = df1[:, [6,2,4,5,3,1]]
rename!(df_new, vcat("digit", model_names))

avg = map(x -> typeof(x) == Array{Float64,1} ? mean(x) : "Average", eachcol(df_new))
#avg_rank maybe do it if there is time
Expand All @@ -99,11 +100,11 @@ push!(df_new, avg)
using PrettyTables

l_max = LatexHighlighter(
(data, i, j) -> (data[i,j] == maximum(df_new[i, 2:4])) && typeof(data[i,j])!==String,
(data, i, j) -> (data[i,j] == maximum(df_new[i, 2:6])) && typeof(data[i,j])!==String,
["textbf", "textcolor{blue}"]
l_min = LatexHighlighter(
(data, i, j) -> (data[i,j] == minimum(df_new[i, 2:4])) && typeof(data[i,j])!==String,
(data, i, j) -> (data[i,j] == minimum(df_new[i, 2:6])) && typeof(data[i,j])!==String,

Expand Down

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