A small game where a user can create a room by putting Near tokens into it. A second user can then join the game and guess the dice result (1-6), if the guess is correct the total amount of tokens is transferred to the player, otherwise it is transferred to the creator.
After cloning the project please run
in order to install all of the necessary packages for the project to run correctly.
The contract is located in under the contract/assembly folders, after editing the contract you can run
yarn build-contract
in order to build the contract and get the .wasm file , if you want to build and deploy the contract at the same time, you can run
yarn deploy-contract
This will create a test account and deploy the contract into it.
after the contract is deployed, it is necessary to run the following command in the terminal in order to be able to run the contract
#This step is not needed if you are going to use the contract with the front-end
where the ACCOUNT_ID will be returned after the contract deployment
Running contract in the terminal If you want to run the contract in the terminal you can either:
Run the
yarn run-contract
which will run a bash file that allows the user to create a room, join said room and play a game. Before running this command, {NEAR_ACCOUNT} placeholders must be replaced with correct Near accounts (one for creating the games, and one for joining and playing the games) -
You can call the contract manually in the terminal , examples are show below in the functions section.
Running contract in the front-end Check the front-end section for instructions
- Does not take any parameters.
- Creator must attach a deposit > 0 in order to create a room
- returns a game id
Example call:
near call $CONTRACT initGame --amount 5 --account_id $NEAR_ACCOUNT
- Takes _gameId as a parameter
- Player must attach a deposit > 0 in order to create a room
- Returns a string confirming that the player has successfully joined the room
Example call:
near call $CONTRACT joinGame '{"_gameId": '$GAMEID'}' --amount 3 --accountId $NEAR_ACCOUNT
- Takes _gameId and _guess as parameters
- Guess must be between 1-6
- The game's player and the person calling the function must be the same
- A game has to be in the JOINED state in order to be played
- returns the dice number as well as the winner's name
Example call:
near call $CONTRACT playGame '{"_gameId":'$GAMEID' , "_guess":3 }' --accountId $NEAR_ACCOUNT
- Takes _gameId as a parameters
- The person calling this function must be the owner
- The game must be in the FINISHED in order to be deleted
- returns a string confirming game deletion
Example call:
near call $CONTRACT deleteGame '{"_gameId":'$GAMEID' }' --accountId $NEAR_ACCOUNT
- Takes _gameId as a parameters
- returns the game's details
Example call:
near call $CONTRACT viewGame '{"_gameId":'$GAMEID' }' --accountId $NEAR_ACCOUNT
- Does not take anything as a parameter
- returns an array of all games
Example call:
near view $CONTRACT viewAllGames --accountId $NEAR_ACCOUNT
- Takes _gameId as a parameters
- The person calling this function must be the owner
- The game must be in the FINISHED in order to be reactivated
- The creator must attach some tokens into the function
- Returns a string confirming game reactivation
Example call:
near call $CONTRACT reactivateGame '{"_gameId": '$GAMEID'}' --amount 3 --accountId $NEAR_ACCOUNT
The front-end for this project was build using NextJS as a framework.
In order to run the front-end locally you have to run the command:
yarn dev
The front-end is linked to the dice.aimensh.testnet contract by default , if you want to connect your own contract with the front-end, you need to replace the CONTRACT_ID variable in the near/near-setup.js file with your own contract id.
export const CONTRACT_ID = "CONTRACT_IDs";