Dummy extension for B2B Commerce.
This is a sample of an extension for B2B Commerce managed package, that can be used as a template for yours. It extends different features of B2B Commerce package, so, you can easily customize your own project using these practices.
- Adds a new text field "Reverse Product Name" to CC Product object, and fills it by reversed value of "Product Name" field, when product is saved;
- Adds new User Interface Extension API Class that extends default one with including own assets.
Create an unlocked package as a started point and after that, new package can be installed like an extention for B2B Commerce:
sfdx force:package:create --name b2b_sfdx_dummy --description "B2B SFDX Dummy" --packagetype Unlocked --path force-app --nonamespace --targetdevhubusername DevHub
sfdx force:package:version:create -p b2b_sfdx_dummy -d force-app -x --wait 10 -v DevHub
Do you need an extension for B2B Commerce? Use "B2B SFDX Dummy"... it will definitely simplify your life!