Going over all of the material for android development Project list:
- Shared Preferences for DAO project
The goal of shared preferences is to not lose data while exiting an app
in this case we will use shared prefs on our database
Two Activities
Main Activity and Edit Book Activity
implementation "com.jakewharton.timber:timber:4.7.1"
Book model class
BookData shared book test data
Application to plant the files in string format
- Data-Persistence-with-Room-and-MVVM
livedataviewmodel Data persistence with Room Database Using View models and MVVM architecture
- SQL Lite Data persistance
Data persistence Alternative to Room Database
- Storage for Books
Create a Json object from prefs in Book Model Class
Reference the preference to the Repository
Create book repo interface
Create Book Repo = where you specify how you wanna store the files and where
Favorite Movies Sprint MVVM
Project Lifecycles
Timber helps with writing log statements
-Timber generates tags
-Timber avoids logs in release
-Easy integration with crash reporting
To set up Timber:
-Add Timber to build.gradle'
-Make Application class
-Add it to manifest
-Initialize Timber in Application class
After that Timber works just like Log.i
onCreate gets called only once
Fragments are better solution to working with different screen sizes
When starting something ion callback, make sure to stop it correspondingly
onSaveInstanceState handles storing information into a bundle while rotatiing the screen or going away from it
- Project Notifications
In the Notification class:
Create notification channel to put it in the system and it is cast specific
Make sure sure the version of android is matching
Use Builder pattern for older versions of android or
create a channel for newer versions
Then place the notification you just built where you need it in the app
You can set sounds and vibrations to DEFAULT and HIGH_PRIORITY notifications
- Project AsyncGithubQuery
Async Task is like simplified Facade of Custom Threads.
Async Tasks are used to run code in background so there isnt too much running in main thread
- Project Custom Handler Threads
Threads work just like Async task and is keptAlive with a Looper
Create a Handler and attach the looper.
Once the handler is returned in form of an object overrride fun handleMessage
Handle the message in the object (code logic goes here)
Initialize the message and process it.
Then finally send it to UI
Once Handler created it has to be set up
Manage the Runnable by declaring orderHandlerThread
And then add it to run() overriden method
Then finally update the UI in main activity
- Project JSON Parser
Java Script Object Notation
primary method for data exchange on web
it is human readable and builds arrays
We parse JSON into GSO before we can inser it into the field as a string,
and we can parse back to JSON to ommunicate back with the web
The app first uses the JSON to parse into GSON to store later into local phone storage
- Retrofit GitHub Query
Update from Async Github Query
The difference is that Async Query App uses basic OkHttp calls to get the data,
while retrofit does the same thing in much nicer way.
Retrofit is the REST client to upload JSON via REST Based Web Services
Retrofit uses Http library for Http requests
OkHttp also contains logging interceptor
While OkHttp makes low level calls and is able to cache them, retrofit is abl;e to manimulate URL and is coupled with OkHttp to make the network calls.
- Broadcast Receiver TaskMaker
Broadcast Receivers are used to monitor state of the phone or an event.
in this app Broadcast Receiver is used to build a clock and listen for time change and update the UI with each change.
Its best when you register the receiver, to unregister it onPause() or onStop()
so the receiver wont continue running in the background
Services are also good for running in the background. Unlike Broadcast Receivers
Services are not visible on UI
also app contains the stops on how to set up on click listeners using Lambda
Networking Sprint Challenge Pokemon API
Redone from scratch. Using Okhttp3, Retrofit2, Recyclerview, CardView, Picasso to loasd the sprites(images) -
Project NoteTaker Testing
In the nutshell :
Robolectric allows testing on local machine without emulator or physical device
Robolectric is good for integration testing
JUnit4 testing is used for unit testing, works with robolectric
Esspresso is used for UI testing.
- Project Catch Pokemon Game
Maps Activity
implements onCallbackReady on maps
initialize maps and request permissions at runtime
Is similar way to maps activity but no map.
Implements Google Play Services listener to listen to network and listen to multiple APIs
Popup navigation Drawer
Change layout to navigation layout
need library for material design to get the popup menu
options menu to call the popup menu
custom toolbar
ExoPlayer is used to play the web video at app launch
Media Player is used for app sound effects
Both player are essentially the same only Exo player is more customizable